YEILD to Unlock Your Full Potential!
God has meticulously fashioned and sculpted His children within the sanctuary of their mother’s womb, divinely ordaining them to serve Him and radiate His glory. Each one bears His image, for He breathed the Ruach breath of His life and Glory into each at their birth. Our unique design equips us to fulfill our designated mission within our appointed sphere.
Jesus exemplified the life of a fully surrendered Man to His Father’s will, characterized by unwavering obedience. God intends that we live lives fully yielded to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The fully yielded life has the potential to become history-makers and world-changers. In Thessalonica the people recognized the disciples as ones, “…who have turned the world upside down…” (Acts 17:6).
Considering your assignment to boldly step into your purpose, are you turning the world upside down? Are you fervently praying for boldness? Are you prepared to take risks? Are you willing to become as a sign and wonder to the world of God’s power? Our Divine blueprint is designed for functioning in higher realms than the world, operating within the elevated dimension of Christ, and therefore capable of fulfilling the greater works He has promised us.
We have arrived at the hour where it is time to now occupy our metron—all things have been made ready, as the Lord recently told my Pastor friend Renee! God’s people will prosper in the midst of the storm and in the midst of famine as Isaac did! Now is the appointed hour to seize the opportunities that open before us. Prosperity, in accordance with God’s Word, awaits within the bounds of your calling. God will cause us to prosper, but our prosperity is found within the sphere of our assignment. God has prepared a place for us, even in the presence of adversarial forces. In this dichotomy of this decade, God’s people will thrive amid wars, famines, and pandemics.
To be part of the apostolic Headstone generation, we must first establish Christ as our supreme Head in our lives. Consequently, we will gain the authority to speak to our mountains and command them to submit to God’s will. This generation is poised to bring to fruition God’s work, exemplified in His Son, Jesus Christ.
As bearers of the Lord’s voice and authority, an apostolic and prophetic army will act in unison to accomplish His divine purposes and Will. We can then partner with the angels to infuse life into places where death once reigned! We can speak to the mountains of the Earth and take ours as Caleb did with the spirit of boldness.
The Lord has recently been emphasizing the word yield—to the act of yielding to His divine will. The Holy Spirit told Rees Howells in His book, Intercessor, that two wills cannot function in the same body—one must go! He is diligently preparing us to become signs, wonders, and history-makers. He’s conveying the message through this word, that He desires to enter our lives and take control, and that our own will must yield to His without resistance.
We were specifically designed to achieve the greater works promised to us. There has been much discussion surrounding this concept and the full extent of these “greater works” may have escaped our understanding. John 14:10 is a revelation of God’s intentions for us in the Person of Jesus:
“Don’t you believe that the Father is living in me and that I am living in the Father? Even my words are not my own but come from my Father, for he lives in me and performs his miracles of power through me.” John 14:10-14 (TPT)
This truth can be applied also to our lives: Jesus resides within us, and we dwell within Him. He lives in us and will manifest His miraculous power through us as the Father did through Him. Jesus was a vessel wholly surrendered and fully yielded to God. In this passage He continues to expound on this truth: Believe that I live as one with my Father and that my Father lives as one with me—or at least, believe because of the mighty miracles I have done. I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!”
Jesus is committed to us, having invested Himself fully in our lives for His Glory. He zealously seeks a return on His investment. The time has come for us to occupy our appointed place. Everything is now prepared. There is an urgency of the moment, and He entreats us to yield over everything to Him—things are about to begin, and He requires fully surrendered vessels. He has trained and prepared us for this purpose and this hour, and He is now ready to see His investment bear fruit.
Jesus is intensely focused on getting this revelation and fashioning us to become who He intended us to be. His heart is deeply invested in our transformation and our grasp of the revelation of our identity as sons of God. Once we apprehend it, we will begin to perceive the magnitude of His purpose, our calling, and the vast investment He has made in us.
God assures us that He has made ready a place for us even in the presence of our enemies. He is preparing us for a time of great glory. Even as the world shakes in turmoil and deep darkness, amid all the chaos He declares, “I have made everything ready for you.“ He is leading us to shine with His Glory amid darkness. We can feast and prosper amid our enemies because He sits and dines with us. While the world may appear chaotic and discouraging, God’s ways are very different and most unusual.
Take the step to invite God to dine at your table—the one He has prepared you before the foundation of the world. Invite His Grace, Glory, and Power to invade your spheres of influence. The table assigned to us may not look very exciting or appealing in the darkness, but if He joins us at our table we will see the mighty wonders of God invade our territory!
This generation is instrumental in bringing about the fulfillment of God’s work, embodied in His Son. Heaven is fully invested in us grasping this truth and surrendering everything to Him. We must become vessels fully yielded to God for the greater works, greater exploits, and greater glory reserved for us in this hour.
We need to open our mouths, move, and yield our voices, hands, hearts, and bodies to Him. When we have fully yielded, we can speak to the mountains in our lives, and they will submit to His voice. The prophetic armies will move in harmony with the King of Glory, ushering in His will and kingdom. We will partner with the angels to speak life to places that were once steeped in death and the Earth will respond
“Then the earth will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will richly bless us. Yes, God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.” Psalm 67:6
Here again, we see the power of “THE YIELD.” As we yield all to the Lord, submitting to God’s divine authority the Earth will yield its harvest to us. The harvest of our lives is timed to come forth with the harvest of the Earth! Our harvest is on a collision course with the great reaping of the Harvest of the Earth!
God’s promises of abundant blessings are reserved for the last day generation when all the ends of the Earth, the entire world will fear and revere His Holy Name!