THE ISRAEL OF GOD: The body into which Christ came forth at His first coming, became the Centre, the kingpin on which all facets of God hang. Within the entity that is Israel, lies the Blueprint that holds and reveals both the beginning and the end of the counsels of God concerning man.
THE HEADSTONE: The Headstone exemplifies Governance and God’s Apostolic Arm of Leadership. It embodies the five faces of the governmental Ministry of Christ. Christ is the Head Stone of His House, it, therefore, holds His heart and His mind, providing leadership of His House and His interests in the nations. The Headstone Generation is comprised of apostolic sons and daughters of God who will be released to serve the King’s intentions in power and authority in the last days.
THE LEADERSHIP: Historic shifts call for exceptional Leaders to arise. Leaders are being prepared and called forth for these times as God moves to shift the world to a new dynamic represented by the Kingdom of God! Transitioning from one Era to another will involve a complex and multifaceted dynamic that will shape the course of history. This module will discuss the Call to Transitional Leadership that prepares the way for Christ and the Kingdom Age!
THE WOMEN: God created both male and female in His image. Women reflecting the image of God, are being called to the forefront to shine in this notable chapter of the Greatest Story ever told—Christ revealed in history. Women are being called forth to birth strategic and specific purposes, directly related to the completing work of God in Christ that prepares His way.
THE HEALING: God intends to remove the wounds, traumas, and strongholds in the soul of His Bride, to bring her forth without spot or wrinkle. We are called to be holy as He is Holy—this means we cannot willingly entertain sin in our lives. The Father wants a clean House washed in the Blood, built upon the precepts of God.
THE ARMY OF GOD: The Battle for dominion of the Earth and mankind continues until Jesus returns to end the Great War. The people of God must understand their identity in Christ and the high call of serving Him both in His House and as warriors on the battlefield.
THE WARFARE: Jesus is the Commander of the Armies of God in Heaven and on Earth. Jesus is referred to in scripture as a Man of War. He leads His armies into battle. His people must therefore yield to His command and understand the strategies and tactics of the Warfare of Heaven to be victorious. Heavenly strategies of spiritual warfare, as directed by the Holy Spirit, will be critical to victory in the end-time battles.
THE UNION: Apprehending the mystery of union will be key in the last days as union birthed from Love is the mortar that binds the House of God as one Holy Structure. Union and agreement with God and each other, produce dunamis power that secures the purposes of God and establishes His will on Earth.