WOW! What an opportune time to be alive on planet Earth and living in the Kingdom of God! God is on the move! He has shifted the world into a new dispensation of time that is alive with potential and pregnant with possibilities as Heaven moves to break in with the supernatural and the miraculous! God is moving to release on planet Earth a new and fresh apprehension of His Goodness and Glory in the Face of Jesus Christ. With 5777 we have shifted into a new era in which God is doing a NEW THING in New ways, where His intentions are ultimately focused on reaping a great Harvest of precious souls and bringing them into the family of God.
It is important to be aligned with the mind of Christ that we may comprehend the ‘NEW dynamic of this hour and His strategic purposes for this dispensation of time. Throne union with Him is His desire and goal, that we may legislate the Heavens and rule with Him in His holy endeavors. Critical thinking united with revelation will unlock the marvels prepared for this hour. The fire will be ignited and the provisions released—prepared and made ready specifically for this season.! To stay in sync with the Lord, we must know how to process this time and understand what He intends to accomplish.
Recently I had a dream of driving a car, I turned on to a very familiar street not knowing that it had been changed to a one-way street, and I was heading into the flow of on-going traffic. The Lord revealed that this was a new day! The day of going our own way, travelling old familiar paths had ended. The present shift in times was transforming old roadways to one where we flow together as one on the Highway of the Lord, in the direction of the union in His Will. Together on this Higher-way, we become A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH THROUGH OUR AGREEMENT AND UNION WITH HIM! As we let go of the familiar and launch out in faith we become unstoppable, catapulted on a one-way ticket where we will not, and cannot return to the old place we were before.
This is an apostolic season of being sent out; of His sons coming to the fullness of maturity, and of His Harvest—a season of being centered in His Will, positioned to take the land assigned to us! God is preparing a new wineskin to meet the challenges of this season; one prepared with a new mindset able to think outside the old religious box of irrelevant traditions that have served His purposes in the past seasons. An apostolic mantle is being activated to shift and shake up the ways we have done church.
Recently I heard the Lord say clearly, “THE NEW WINE IS READY! I NEED A NEW WINESKIN!” God has also been emphasizing His desire to bring Heaven to Earth! From the start of this year, Heaven to Earth, is a phrase I keep running into in some form, everywhere I turn! God is about to release the New Wine to those positioned and prepared to receive it! Being rightly positioned for harvest and Cities of Refuge are two issues I feel God is now emphasizing for the fulfillment of His purposes in this hour.
Being Rightly Positioned
Having the understanding of the Keys that unlock your Destiny is vital in this incredible season ahead! Being centered in Christ and positioned in the land of your inheritance is one of those keys! Circumstances may seem to be holding you back, or life situations and finances but obedience to take your place in your appointed sphere, unlocks your destiny and positions you for Favor—favor that opens the necessary doors for you to accomplish your assignment. Recently the Lord told me to read a book I had read over fifteen years ago— Commitment to Conquer by Bob Beckett. As I read, the Holy Spirit was stirring me on every page of the book! I have read this book many times and highly recommend it if you feel called to a city. However, it also reveals startling and powerful revelations in regard to the significance and importance of being positioned in the right place at the right time!
As the title states, the book’s emphasis is on COMMITMENT as the key that opens the door. Bob states, “The first step in taking spiritual possession of a territory is making a commitment to that place,” and, “Only when we accept the responsibility and accountability can we SEE the vision!” He says, “A person may know WHAT God’s call is but never fully realize that potential until he knows WHERE the call is to!”
These are a few points I gleaned on the immediate results of making a territorial commitment:
- We will be INCREASED – enlarged in abundance, in prosperity, in authority, in multiplication
- Choosing to set yourself firmly in the place where God has called you, unlocks a spiritual principle that results in increase—finances are released and effectiveness. The principle works!
- When this level of commitment is made, he says, “I have seen the Lord stop the diminishing process and activate the increasing process.” Then you will have everything needed to accomplish what He has called you to do!
- Making a commitment to a community makes a vital difference and impact in the unseen realm!
- Our vision for the community, LIKE A DIAMOND will then begin to sparkle with new facets we had not seen before
Cities of Refuge – Called to a City.
God is moving now to establish Cities of His Presence that are places of Refuge from the storms—true Sanctuary Cities guarded by the Presence of God and His Heavenly Hosts. This is a key strategy in His plan for the hour. How Does the Government of Heaven Invade Earth? In the Old Testament, Heaven first invaded Earth with a man—Abraham, then a people, a City and then the Nation—all of Israel saw the Glory! In the New Testament Heaven invaded Earth with Christ then at Pentecost—the Glory fell on 120 praying saints who were prepared and made ready for the Promise of the Father—a City and nation were revolutionized! GOD IS LOOKING NOW, ON A WIDE SCALE, TO ONCE AGAIN INVADE CITIES AND NATIONS WITH HIS GLORY!
The Lord’s strategic plan for Dominion embodies both the micro and the macro—from the individual soul to His Global and national intentions! God is in the business of nation building through individuals—reaching a nation begins with His Glory overtaking, people, Cities and communities. The Lord is looking for those who will be bold enough now to ASK HIM FOR CITIES AND NATIONS—not just in the emotional fervor of the moment, but with intentionality and willingness to pay the cost. He is seeking co-laborers who will reveal His heart to the lost!
“Only ask, and I WILL give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession.” Psalm 2:8 NLT
The enemy has made great gains over the last eight years but has also lost much ground in 2017. He is enraged and fighting to regain ground and increase his plans for chaos on the Earth. However, God has provided a window in this opportune time for His people to move in Light & Fire to establish safe spaces before this window closes.
I do believe God has given us time before Jesus returns to establish His Cities of refuge and Glory, and lay the groundwork for much that He plans to do in Cities and Nations. The world seems to be shaking in turmoil right now as years of deeply rooted iniquity in demonic structures and things hidden in dark places are being shaken, stirred up and exposed. Spiritual earthquakes are demolishing demonic mindsets and unproductive ways that have worked to keep lies and deception hidden—God is draining the swamp! God is exposing the enemy in order to bring forth the New and Fresh, to re-align nations, establish new foundations and forge new strategic partnerships. Many world Leaders will suddenly begin to embrace new possibilities that produce Life and good fruit, as He moves the heart of leaders like a river.
God will turn much that the enemy is attempting to do right now on the world scene, for good, as His people align with Him and intercede accordingly. The best days of the Church are upon us—a time to embrace our Divine Destiny. God is Good and He is Faithful! We are at the beginning of the Season we have been waiting for! Let us wake up and not blow this! This is the hour of the fulfillment of His promises of Glory and Light! Even though darkness will cover the earth in time, RIGHT NOW, the people of God are beginning to ‘ARISE & SHINE’ for our light HAS COME!
Satan is also working at establishing his cities and nations, lead by his anti-Christ leaders who are positioned to produce panic and fear. However, HE MUST submit to God’s timing and cannot go beyond his boundaries however dark things may seem. Tribulation will come! Jesus prophesied many times that everything that has been written must be fulfilled. However, at this time I do sense that right now the enemy is overplaying his hand and is about to be shot down!
In this hour and season ahead, God is saying to His people,“…rule in the midst of your enemies” (Psalm 110). The LORD has provided us with powerful tools to accomplish our assignment and LEGISLATE THE HEAVENS—the ability to call forth what is not as though it were, the power of the Blood, the power of His Name, the power of His Word, the power of Decree, the power of the Holy Spirit to bring it to pass, and Angel Armies assigned to God’s kingdom purposes! He has given us everything needed to rule and reign, to take and to hold ground!
“OF THE INCREASE OF HIS GOVERNMENT AND PEACE THERE SHALL BE NO END, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. THE ZEAL OF THE LORD OF HOSTS WILL PERFORM THIS.” Isaiah 9:6 -7