The Vision That Becomes Reality!
While spending time with the Lord I sensed Him saying, “Beware of the quality of foundation that you are building! Will it, or can it carry the weight of the superstructure you are intending to build—your ministry, church, your business?” He then continued share on this issue that cracks that are ignored will potentially cause a collapse at a future date—that it was iimportant to pay attention to foundational issues in the early stages of building rather than procrastinating and putting off working on the issues for a later date.
God is saying that today is always the day of salvation! Don’t put off for tomorrow what God is highlighting for you to do today. The Lord always has our best interest at heart. He sees the future, the traps and the falls up ahead. Nevertheless, there is always grace available for healing. The Father waits for us to come to Him.
Seeing in the Spirit in times spent with Creator God, opens our spirit to the heavenly vision and the mind’s expansion to the possibilities and marvels of God. It is not possible to accomplish great things without first seeing yourself doing those great things—without lifting your sights to the higher potential embedded within you by the Creator. To see is to believe!
Building for Eternity
Sometimes in fulfilling our call, we fall into the rut of just going through the motions of executing the assignment, rather than nurturing our call in prayer with God. To nurture the call and the assignment is to cultivate it by cherishing what God has entrusted to us. This takes place in times of communion with Him, working through the dynamics of the vision imparted and embedded within—the taste, the feel, the scope, the sphere and the purposes of His vision for our lives. This process causes the vision to flourish, blossom, grow and expand in the height, depth and width of the spiritual and eternall dimension God intended for it!
The desire and determination to achieve success apart from this process with God leads only to stillbirths—birth that is without life. The attempted birth of the Heavenly vision marked by the flesh, will be a vision void of eternal value. The seed of Elohim planted within, nurtured through communion, gives birth to the transcendence of the Son of God. The seed of His vision implanted in our wombs nurtured by His overseeing covering of love, under His watchful eye, produces the eternal majesty of deity. It is important for the distinction to be made between what is God’s vision and what is our vision.
Birthing the Transcendent
10X is the new buzz phrase now going around. To 10x a vision is to see it from a future perspective—of its expansion to the fullness of its possibilities, or what God intends it to be. It is basically God telling us to stretch our vision to think of the vastness of the possibilities within Him—to see, believe and nurture the vision BEYOND whatever you have been previously envisioning.
God will use the administration of Donald Trump to usher in an Era of 10x, 100x and even 1000x. It is important to seize opportunities now being given—to level up in faith and multiply, while they remain within our reach. This means to level up our Ministries, our businesses, our Churches etc. to extend the boundaries, to reach beyond our limited thinking.
God has been trumpeting the revelation that He is a BIG God for some time. In 2024 He was working on purifying the heart, cleansing it from mixture and building eternal foundations. This work continues into 2025. However, if God is now giving the green light to move out, then it is time to run toward the 10x Vision! We are in a birthing moment. We must seize the moment to travail through the birth of the vision. Listen to the video below of my last word The King of Glory shall Come, where I talk about the ox anointing coming on the people of God to give them strength. The word tells us that much increase comes by the strength of an ox (Prov. 14:4).
“God brings him out of Egypt; He has strength like a wild ox; He shall consume the nations, his enemies; He shall break their bones And pierce them with his arrows. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?’ “Blessed is he who blesses you, And cursed is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:8
The Harvest Has Come!
2024 was a year of building foundations. For those who have submitted to the process they will see a great Harvest, they will reap in abundance in all spheres of their lives. 2025, though full of challenges, will be a year of great harvest for the people of God. We are in the season of Harvest. Things are ripe for harvesting. This is not just the harvesting of souls, but we will all see a harvest coming forth from all that has been sown in obedience, in faith, and in tears.
The fear of the Lord will be prevalent on those who have answered the call to consecration and holiness. The fear of the Lord will keep them and keep the vision they have given birth to, pure and undefiled by the world. The Nazarite Guard is being released to fulfill the works of God to see them through to the end. They are wholly consecrated unto God—a new order of priesthood is rising in the Earth who are consecrated to serve only God! They are of the order of Melchizedek, living the indestructible life of Christ that is without beginning of days or end of days.
“As He also says in another place: “YOU ARE A PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK; who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” Hebrews 5:6-7