“Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, ‘The days are prolonged, and every vision fails’? Tell them therefore, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will lay this proverb to rest, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel.” But say to them, “The days are at hand, and the fulfillment of every vision. Ezekiel 12:23
The Body of Christ is divinely and rapidly shifting into God’s appointed times and seasons in its approach to the fulfillment of all things, on its ascent to UNION WITH CHRIST. There is heightened spiritual awareness of movements and shifts occurring in spiritual dimensions as the battle lines are being drawn and God’s Kingdom enforcers are being groomed, prepared and positioned for victorious territorial inroads!
These times of shifting and transitioning into secured positions of strategic places of authority, may come with some confusion, perplexity and with the shaking of our circumstances—as the old shifts to make way for a new epoch of time! In spite of this we are to move with intentionality and confidence into this season, with great expectation, for God is now drawing out into deep waters, those whom He has prepared, establishing them within boundaries they will occupy and take dominion!
The character and fortitude of generals, leaders and soldiers are forged within the fire of conflict, yet they must rise to overcome at all costs! So it is with God’s Army being raised up now for a volatile season of conflict ahead, both in the spiritual and the natural. God’s people must be strong and of good courage as His Word declares that HE IS WITH US! The LORD goes ahead as the Conqueror, He covers us from behind and HE WILL NEVER FAIL US! This is the season to overcome all fears and eliminate all soulish hindrances! It is time to move beyond the status quo and the mundane into a season of SPIRITUAL EXCELLENCE and great Glory!
When God’s chooses to initiate a new phase of His work, He prepares a new model to accommodate the work. At Jesus’ first coming the Lamb of God was slain, and the Cross became established as the foundation of the Temple of God. Because of this many aspects of the old model of the Temple became irrelevant and could not support the new direction, movement and purposes of God.
In 2 Kings 2:19 the people of the city came to Elisha to say in effect that they had a well positioned city but the land was very unproductive due to the condition of the water. Elisha instructed them to get a NEW CRUSE (KJV) and put SALT in it! Elisha then poured the salt into the source of the water and it was healed! The Salt is representative of absolute trust, and therefore, complete submission to the Lord. In Leviticus 2; 13 God instructs the priests, “every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt… With all your offerings you shall offer salt.”
God is ever on the move, His face set toward the completion of His purposes and Divine will! It is vital to now be moving in sync with Him as He advances into the completing phase of His work to be summed up in Christ at His return. To complete the work a new model or wineskin will be required to overcome the challenges ahead—a wineskin that is well seasoned with Salt! Salt will be a necessary ingredient in the saints to be able to bear the weight of the Glory of God descending and enveloping the Temple of God’s people. Salt is also necessary to sustain the Body of Christ through the demonic offensive purposed to prevent the Return of the King! Many aspects of the old model will change also to fashion a Bride that moves the heart of God and compels Jesus to return, and to accommodate billions from the Harvest coming into the House of God. In Matthew 5:13 Jesus said that if we didn’t have salt, we were good for nothing!
In August of 2013 a well known prophet leader gave me a life transforming word that concluded with, “This is the day of your phenomenal release.” As is the case for many, when the Lord speaks there is a sense of imminence that leads us to mistakenly believe that the word will begin to be fulfilled in the near future…surely within the year! However Joseph is a prime example for us that this is not always the case. Psalm 105 tells us in regard to Joseph, “Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him.”
God is a Master craftsman, and everything that He does is with excellence, is strategic and fits into a much greater and more complex plan. There is therefore a process to which we must agree and acquiesce in order to see the word fulfilled. 2014 turned out to be one of the toughest years that I have endured; however, God did begin to set some personal things in order and did open some doors for me, but this came with such warfare that I could barely recognize them—maybe some can relate! However, victorious overcomers keep on fighting the fight of faith! In the midst of the warfare God gave some very clear and important directions that He made me understand were preparation for the season ahead and the move of the Spirit that is upon us! These directions were to get the House in order for the fast approaching future that we may stand with confidence and strength, having a clear and uncluttered mind, in the midst of chaotic times:
Our Personal House:
The enemy’s first line of attack is to divide and he will start with relationships closest to you—with our spouses and our families. I believe God is holding back the full release until our marriages and families are established according to His Word, and become rooted and grounded in His love. God has the strategies for the toughest situations in relationships and will reveal them when we seek Him in Spirit, Truth and a humility that is prepared to forgive seventy times seven.
Our Churches and Ministry Houses must be in administrative order: At the end of 2014 until the present, God has been speaking very loudly and clearly to me about this. Under His instructions He has taking me through both a natural and spiritual spring cleaning of the ministry and our church. He lead me to clean my filing cabinet and put all the files in order—something I have been putting off for a long time. I have physically thrown out or given away everything not relevant or being used. God instructed me to upgrade to a better website to accommodate His purpose for our ministry—another thing I was very reluctant to do because of the amount of work involved. However, having been obedient to do all He has asked, I am now ecstatic because of the sense of peace and order invading my world!
Our Financial House:
Another area of concern He is targeting is our financial house. The ringing question I heard in my heart was, “How I can pour out upon you the blessing I intend to until both your personal and ministry financial houses are in order, established with integrity and set a righteous foundation.” Some things He has lead me to do were to upgrade our accounting program, organize our bank accounts, register business names that needed registering, become a non-for-profit corporation and apply for charitable status. All questionable practices and places of worldly compromise are places of weakness in the structure of the house.
Build an Altar of My Presence: As order began to be established in our lives, He then instructed us, “Build an Altar of My Presence in your midst.” Our meetings begin with much time in praise and worship, however the Lord instructed us to press in and take one meeting per month for only praise and worship, with no agenda or teaching, only the prophetic as it occurs. He is demonstrating that as we let go of control, allow Him to lead His church and press in to worship, we are building and establishing the Altar of His Presence. In Ezra 3:1-2 it states that when the Jews returned to rebuild the Temple they gathered together as ONE united man to Jerusalem and they built the altar—the very first thing that was established was the altar of worship.
In the times of shaking and unrest as the enemy moves to stir his people, The LORD’s Presence will be our greatest protection, “Though fear had come upon them because of the people of those countries, they set the altar on its bases; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, both the morning and evening burnt offerings” (Ezra 3:3). As we build the Altar of His Presence, press in to worship and fan the flames of our passion, Heaven will begin to break in and break out!
The Lord then said to Stoke the FIRE! I checked the definition of the word Stoke which is to:
Tend the fire—take care of, and guard
Stir up the fire—stir up our passion for Him
Feed the fire—feed it with words of love, devotion, thanksgiving and praise
Supply fuel to the fire—move each other with words of encouragement to keep pressing on
Shake up the coals of fire—Invite the Holy Spirit & His angels, give them the permission to wake us up, shake us up, fan the flames and stir our hearts.
The most recent instruction God has given me is to “Ask Again!”
“As a pregnant woman about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain, so were we in your presence, LORD. We were with child, we writhed in labor, but we gave birth to wind. We have not brought salvation to the earth, and the people of the world have not come to life.” Isaiah 26:17-18
Like Peter many can say that we have toiled all night and have caught nothing, this, in comparison to the great promises from God given to us personally, and the magnificent promises written in His Word! But I hear the whisper of the words in my spirit, “Ask again, seek again, believe again! Knock again and the door will be opened” …opened to what? Great and awesome possibilities, and seeming impossibilities! Doors to discovery and invention, doors to healing and resurrection Life, doors to the Harvest and dreams realized, and doors of access to His Throne Room and His Presence. Go again, and this time in obedience, throw your net on the other side—the catch will be supernaturally miraculous! Elijah did not give up, he told his servant to go and look again!
I hear the Lord saying that we are going higher, we are being groomed and summoned to His Presence. A leader of an apostolic network recently shared that while driving one morning the song, Fly Me to the Moon began to play and the Holy Spirit fell on him so powerfully that he had to pull over. Later that day at another location the same song began to play! He stopped and asked the Holy Spirit to play it a third time if He was saying something to Him in this song. That same night at a friend’s house the song began to play again! He then had a dream that he was in a powerful aircraft and a voice came over the intercom and said, “Sorry for the delay, we are about to take off!” God will delay His plans to give us time to get our Houses in order…but the day will come when He moves! The Body of Christ s about to take off to higher realities than we have ever known in the rocket ship of God’s Presence! It’s all about Him—it’s all about His Presence! We are being instructed to leave the outer court behind and all the distractions that take our eyes off Him, get into the Holy of Holies, and get ready for take off!
Many outbreaks of revival will be occurring in pockets all over the earth in the days ahead as momentum build toward Jesus’ return. However, a second Pentecost is upon us, or rather the fulfillment of the first—what began at Pentecost will be fulfilled at Tabernacles. This mighty wave will begin in Jerusalem in its fullness at the Feast of Tabernacles and quickly spread to Canada, and certain States, cities and nations united with Israel. The world will begin to see the difference with those who stand with the Lord and Israel and those who do not, “But against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue, against man or beast, that you may know that the LORD does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel” (Exodus 11:7).
The Body of Christ is poised at the entrance of a phenomenal – extraordinary and unparalleled release in a climactic season! This word also means, uncommon, outstanding, surpassing, and unprecedented—a remarkable wonder! God will begin to flood the earth with His Glory through a prepared people. He is refining and preparing everything and bringing it up to a new and higher standard. The morning after I heard the story about the song, Fly me to the moon, I woke up to the word, Arriba, which means higher and going up! We are in the Season of THE PHENOMENAL RELEASE!
Arriba – synonymous with Llegar; to arrive,to be enough,to reach(an agreement),to manage to,to become
Arriba(r) – to arrive,to dock,to put into port[a city,town or other place where ships load or unload,a place along a coast in which ships may take refuge from storms;harbor – port of entry:any place where persons & merchandise are allowed to pass,by water or land,into & out of a country & where customs officers are stationed to inspect or appraise imported goods,a geographical area that forms a harbor(informal:an airport)