The Holy Spirit Shall come Upon You!
Having shifted into a new spiritual dynamic, one aligned with the present transitioning of a new presidential administration in the United States, it is imperative in all our service to the Lord and to His Kingdom interests, that His people now press in to receive understanding of His objectives for the season ahead—for our lives, our ministries and our churches. Prophetic interpretation of God’s times is a vital function of the prophetic ministry, important for maintaining God’s shalom through our fellowship and in all our movements. We see in scripture, recorded throughout Israel’s history, prophets bringing direction to the people of God. Haggai and Zechariah, after Israel\’s release from captivity under Cyrus, were commissioned by God to direct the movements of His people and to maintain a unified perspective through an understanding of God’s Will.
It is important to be found moving with God positioned in the centre of His will for any given period of history, as Scriptures states, He has seasons and times for everything, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven…” (Ecc. 3:1). We must have understanding of God’s movements to be aligned with Him in the purposes He has established for any set boundary of time! There will be many prophetic voices now releasing God’s directives for the new epoch of time we have entered; it is important to our health and safety that the voices we listen to are the voices of fathers and mothers who have proven track records, a faithful history with God, and are honored as such in the Body of Christ. Amid the cacophony coming from the media and even the religious, a posture of humility allows for the discernment of voices whose intent is to release confusion and fear in the House of God. If unsure, I believe the Elijah List is a safe Ministry and a great source for sound prophetic words and teaching.
God alone has the power to cause sudden shifts in epochs of time, to break us through demonic spiritual walls into a new world order, and He does this through wholehearted intercessory prayers aligned with righteous action! I believe recent events in the United States reflect this! Years of preparation in deep waters and in fire, produced a crescendo of voices crying out in intercessory prayer; compounded over the years, they have caught the attention of God and have been the impetus that has broken us through into a season of victory!
In the United States, God has supernaturally prepared an unprecedented political and spiritual platform to serve His plans and purposes for the world in the decade ahead. The tenets of which this platform is fashioned will usher in His new world order to serve the Kingdom of God in a comprehensive campaign to implement certain strategic mandates. Saints who understand His Will, who are moving in sync with the Lord, will work with Him to build foundations and lay the groundwork for future generations!
It is vital to understand that times have changed, and in faith, unite with Christ in His movements! The chief characteristic of this new world order is VICTORY! God has suddenly changed the dynamic and moved His people out on the offensive to push back the darkness through victorious intercessory inroads. In this season, we are not warring from a place of defeat and desperation, we are warring from a place of ASSURED VICTORY and must maintain our place of peace and rest in His Presence.
As Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matt. 12:30). The Greek word for gather in this verse is sunago which means to lead together IN UNION! Jesus is looking for the apostolic leaders to be sent, those who will lead together with Him in a union forged on submission to His Word!
We are presently leaving a season where the enemy’s agenda was moving forward with full force, with an acceleration into gross darkness, where it seemed they had the upper hand—GOD HAS HALTED THAT! As I wrote in my last word we are now in A Season of Reprieve, where God is holding back the powers of darkness as we stand in faith and keep the momentum as we continue to pray! This is a time set for God to get His House in order, that we can stand in strength through the battles that will come in the future!
There are certain things God has shown me that are at the top of His agenda during this time of reprieve—firstly an acceleration of souls coming into the kingdom with a great emphasis on young people, with fresh innovative strategies to gather and house them. Secondly, apostolic, prophetic schools established for revelatory training in the Word, discipling and empowerment in the attributes and knowledge of God. And lastly, a new thrust in the cleansing, purifying and purging of the House of God of heresy, iniquity and the doctrines of demons that has infiltrated, and weakened its position of faith and authority on a personal level, but also importantly on the world stage.
Many prepared ambassadors of righteousness are about to be released into the nations with apostolic mandates to re-establish the House of God on the Word of God and return it to its foundation of strength through Holiness. A prepared people who have been found to be wholehearted toward God and have grown in the nature of mature sons are about to be released like flames of fire into the Earth, and their missions—sometimes seemingly impossible, will be guaranteed great success!
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy and He will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35
Many saints of the character of Mary have been prepared to birth the purposes of God for today. As Mary gave birth to Jesus, these saints have been prepared to give birth to the MAN Christ Jesus—Christ in union with a mature body of saints! We are entering the age of the Mature Man of the stature of Christ spoken of in Ephesians 4:13—Mature saints fashioned and formed through fire to walk in the mind and the heart of Christ! The dragon sought to devour the mature this mature Man Child who would rule with Christ in Revelation chapter 12; however, the dragon was not able to touch these saints as they are caught up and protected in the Presence of God and the authority of His Throne! Plucked out of the fire as Joshua was in Zechariah 3, or snatched away (according to the original Hebrew), these mature saints will be given access to God’s Throne and authority over His House!
Satan’s wrath over his present losses is evident and he is pushing back through many schemes and tactics but he will not succeed at whatever he tries to hinder this present move of God. Political and religious spirits are presently raging, pushing liberal ideologies; their war is with the Word of God! The great trap that saints must avoid at all costs, is to become emotionally embroiled in politics and hardened with cold love and hatred by these two spirits. We are not here to take sides but to represent the Kingdom of God and maintain a watchfulness in order to discern accurately and intercede accordingly. We are not here to do the enemy’s bidding but are to serve the Living God who is seated on His Throne in Power while nations rage and the people plot vain things, and kings set themselves against God and His anointed (Ps. 2).
We are to walk carefully as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves in this season of power and answered prayer! Training time is over! Be Light, be peace, be love, be at rest, secure in the love, protection and purposes of God. Leave the old season behind, “Behold I do a new thing, do you not perceive it?” Success, excellence, provision and victory are words that will become the norm for this day! God has said that in the time of rain we are to ask for rain! As the pouring out begins, ASK! In making His will known, AGREE! With the release of His Word, DECREE!
As I was in prayer, the Lord revealed to me an incredible sense of freedom coming to the Body of Christ and a great release of His people into their prepared destinies. He said we are to: “Be ready to be empowered to accomplish the task set before you!” And He led me to this scripture :
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses telling people about Me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the Earth.” Acts 1:8
Be courageous and move out without fear to accomplish your mandate. El Shaddai will provide the necessary protection and provision to ensure that we are successful! As He Said to Gideon, “…have I not sent you?”