Recently God reminded me of a vision that He gave me at a conference in November 2019; as an indication of a move that He had begun, its progression over 2020, and its present significance in 2021. I was in Ann Arbor Michigan, at Shekinah church, under the leadership of Apostle Barbara Yoder. Dutch Sheets was one of the Speakers and Steve Swanson was leading worship. The name of the conference was ROAR, as we had just entered the decade of pey, which in Hebrew means the mouth. The conference began with a ROAR and ended with a crescendo of HEAVEN’S ROAR uniting with the church’s ROAR. While in worship, I received two visions, that I believe are significant to the revelation that God is presently giving me. In a word I published at that time, I shared:
“The first vision I received was on the Friday night. I have been in many meetings at this church when worship moved spontaneously into prophetic worship. This night surpassed anything I had ever experienced…however, it was far more than an experience; something significant was initiated by Heaven that night and the following day! Worship began on a supernatural note that continued to build in power to an ethereal intensity. The sound continued to build to such a degree that it became difficult to not be completely overwhelmed and overtaken. There was a period that commanded the absolute silence of all voices…there was just the reverberation of the ROAR of sounds. Suddenly the emphasis shifted from worship ascending to Heaven, to Heaven descending and invading the sanctuary!
As I was caught up in the worship, I was taken into a vision; it began with Jesus taking hold of my hand and pulling me into swirls of Glorious blue—this I believe signified revelation. As I passed through the blue I then looked and saw thousands of white horses, each jostling to get into formation. A line was formed stretching as far as the eye could see. Suddenly the scene switched, and I was now seeing the church sanctuary filled with these horses and their riders from wall to wall. On the platform was a great white horse with Jesus sitting on it, with a banner in His hand. A few horses were on either side of Him. He sat there looking, as the room filled up with these heavenly riders.
The scene then suddenly switched again to an open field of green with trees lining the far side; the horses were again in formation galloping as swiftly as the wind. As they passed by me, a white cord suddenly was wrapped around me like a lasso; I found myself lifted high into the air and firmly planted on the back of one of these horses, riding fiercely with this army. Later I saw that the vision was timed perfectly with what was happening during worship. I then understood that the Armies of God—that are the saints of God, along with the angelic hosts of Heaven, were being released together in unison, from the sanctuary into the fields! After the time of awe in the silence, Apostle Barbara stood and released a confirming word to what I was seeing in the spirit, she prophesied:
“There is an army, that is right now being commissioned from Heaven. It is arising with the strength that Moses had, that his strength didn’t fail, and his eyes didn’t go dim. They are arising to the tune of Heaven and as they arise to the tune of the sound of Heaven, they are going to march in a coordinated effort across this land… and God said I am going to deliver the victory into their hands. But you must stand, and you must get into your formation, for God says I am on the move, and I am initiating a brand-new movement. And this movement will not be stopped, for I am releasing and imparting My strength even right now to go beyond what you have ever gone before. For God is putting the sword of Gideon in your hand, the sword of victory, the sword of the Lord and of Gideon! Shout to the Lord! …This is a brand-new day and God is doing a brand-new thing! I am mustering My army. My forces shall not encounter defeat! The Lord says you cannot and shall not be defeated! The Lord says My forces cannot and shall not be defeated, they shall break all the way through to victory, for even now there is a new thing happening and there is a swirling of the Winds of Heaven.
The following day the atmosphere and dynamic of worship continued, and God took me into a second vision: This vision began with the color purple, which I understood meant royalty. I then saw an enormous Throne with a magnificent and ornate golden chair with One seated on it. It was God the Father! He had a large golden crown on His head with jewels embedded in it and a scepter in His hand. I could not see His face. On either side of His throne stood a line of trumpeters with extremely long golden trumpets; they were all blowing with their trumpets lifted high into the air. The line of them on either side went on and on, again, as far as the eye could see. I then noticed that God the Father was not seated on His Throne; He was now standing; I thought this was unusual, but He was observing us intently. I then saw a large fearsome lion swagger out in front of the Throne; He stopped and stood there exuding immense power and strength, His eyes blazing with the intensity of what was about to take place. As the trumpeters blew their horn, I heard the Father Announce: “IT HAS BEGUN!” At the time I wrote, It now seems clear that we are no longer waiting for God to move—HE HAS MOVED! The people of God are suddenly sensing a RISING in their spirits coming upon them and a shaking of the ground beneath them.” Apostle Barbara then again began to prophesy:
“The trumpets are sounding! I have now commissioned and empowered my remnant. They are arising as a mighty army that cannot be defeated. They are arising, they are advancing, they will break through and victory is in their hands. Let the roar arise and run to the battle!”
God reminded me of this encounter as an indication of the initiation of the move He had begun, and of its significance to this present time. I saw that at the end of 2019, the Army of God was released in preparation for what was about to occur in 2020—the clash and warfare that was coming between the Light and darkness. In the spring of 2020, after Covid-19 had begun, the Body of Christ experienced some Holy moments of integration in fellowship, that brought with it a new sense of unity between many streams of His Ekklesia, and a repositioning for transformation into a new wineskin. Things intensified throughout the year especially regarding the U.S. election, as saints around the world understood the significance of what the outcome would mean for Christians and the people of the world—and we began to pray and intercede Globally, as a mostly united Body. The Army of God began to emerge and take its place on the frontlines of the battles, as we recognized that the world had entered a new and intensified season of spiritual warfare!
Over the last week God began to bring to light the process and the progression of the training, equipping, and the maturing of His army. He had taken a divided, ragtag army and began to work to transform it into a disciplined, powerful, and supernatural strategic force. I sensed that He was saying that we were on our way, but not there quite yet! Through the battles of 2020, we cleaned up in measure, came together and learned to fight as an army. I believe God is pleased with our desire to commit to intercede in newly formed teams and streams, and the willingness to move out into the fields.
God has said in His Word that, “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…a time for war and a time for peace.” God has made provision for His purposes in the season of war, we have entered! This war is not over! It is a comprehensive Campaign, comprised of many battles. The definition of the word campaign in regard to war is, a series of military operations intended to achieve a particular objective, confined to a particular area. We are presently positioned in the midst of this campaign, with many battles to come, as the objective has not yet been achieved!
We have just come through an intensely fierce battle and many are confused about the outcome, with many not understanding the times, and judging things before their time. We cannot afford to become battle weary—there is too much at stake. Many are weary from the length and intensity of the fight and some have even given up completely. However, my sense is that God has given a measure of rest to become re-energized in His Spirit, and to refocus with fresh revelation and understanding. We cannot be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees who could not discern the times, and what was right before them; Jesus said to them: “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times” (Matt16:3).
These are not days to be compared with the past few decades; we have entered a wholly unique and unusual time, God will use for a reset to His purposes, and to save the world from spinning totally out of control. However, it may get darker before light begins to break through. The word that God keeps highlighting to me is from Isaiah 28, (see previous word on this).
“For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim, He will be angry as in the Valley of Gibeon—That He may do His work, His awesome work, and bring to pass His act, His unusual act.” Isaiah 28:21
Perazim means to breakthrough and to break forth, and the significance of the Valley of Gibeon is that five kings came into collusion to attack the Gibeonites who made peace with Joshua; it is also the place where God intervened with an unusual work and made the Sun stand still for Joshua to finish the defeat of the enemy. We are about to see God again do unusual signs and wonders that will see the defeat of His enemies. I believe God is now saying, for 2021, that it is time to refocus and it is time to get back in the fight! Intercession for the exposure and uncovering of sin, is being answered; intercession for walls to come down is beginning to bear fruit, and we are beginning to see signs of the enemy’s walls of protection begin to crumble. God is about to release His mighty and unusual acts on the Earth as His people continue to press into prayer. It is time to find your rank and get back into position.
Get ready for God to do some unusual things! 2020 began an unusual season where anything can and will happen. We will see supernatural occurrences, and power displays begin in the people of God. Those who are grounded in the love of God, will not be shaken by the shakings of 2021. In 2019, there were many words I wrote, and others also, where God was saying “Get ready!” and “Ready or not here I come!” He was giving us warning that things were about to change; and to be grounded and anchored in Christ as our safety net.
In the 1940’s, during the great Hebrides Awakening, Duncan Campbell said in his book The Price & Power of Revival, “The secret of power is separation from all that is unclean; for me there is nothing so unclean as the liberal views held by some today. We dare not touch them! I am stating what to me is a deep-seated conviction: “Come out from among them and be ye separate…and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you and I will be a Father to you.”
It is interesting that he refers to the liberal views of the 1940’s, I wonder what he would think about them today! Also note that he did not say the secret of salvation, as salvation is a free gift given to those who believe! He said that the secret of power is to separate from uncleaness! It is in repentance and turning away from sin, that our sin is cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, our capacity for Christ then increases, and we receive His power. At salvation God gives us all of Himself but does not necessarily receive all of us! In our repentance, we are then positioned to repent for the sins of the land, to remove the enemy’s platform and defenses. We can then attack with Holy Ghost bombs of the Word of God, specifically released by the Lord to hit the target, possessing the power to destroy the strongholds. The enemy cannot attack where the blood has removed their right to attack!
Jesus Christ is our warrior King and is the Firstborn of many brethren who are fashioned in Him to move out in the power of His Spirit. As rulers having dominion on earth, He gives us access to the councils of heaven, where we receive His Word and enact the will of God. Jesus said that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Ekklesia, as we are the Lord’s government on earth administrating His will. We are an army created to demolish the enemy’s offensive. Jesus is Lord of all! As He binds the enemy and releases His power in situations—His brethren, the sons of God will do the same. In 2021, our mandate is to occupy and advance the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is not the time to retreat—we are to regroup and advance. As we keep pressing on in the fight, we will see victories in the battles, and in God’s timing, we will win the campaign!
Jesus declared that the world would hate us because it hates Him; it hates what we stand for in His name, as we stand together in Him as one Body. The world is presently resisting Christ\’s Lordship, His rule, and His authority over creation. The Ekklesia cannot abandon its mandate and become like the world and get wrapped up in the things of the world—the pride of life, the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. We are also not a social club, without power and having little strength. In the Ekklesia of the city of Antioch, the apostles and prophets were fasting, praying, and ministering to God (Acts 13:2). This is our mandate first and foremost—fasting, praying, and ministering to God—the Holy Spirit then shows up with direction!
Jesus is saying in essence: All authority is given to Me. You work for Me! Go now and disciple nations, ask of Me and I will give you nations. Go on the offensive and fight. Be the overcomers I created you to be and rule them with a rod of iron as I said to you in Revelations 2:27. This mandate was first given to Me and is now given to you in Me. God has set His Ekklesia on Earth to be a threat to every crooked governing system. Sons of God are a Christ sent apostolic company—an apostolic representation of Christ on earth. We are supernatural, eternal beings, born again of the Holy Spirit. We are God’s Kingdom enforcers representing His rulership on earth. Our position is to be seated in Christ, moving, and having our being together in Him. We have been made kings and priests before God—kings rule! As the Ekklesia, we are to be on the offensive, as we have been called to conquer and occupy until He comes. Fraud, theft and deception is apparently the order of the day, and so far they have gotten away with it, however, the scriptures say that the thief will have to return seven-fold what has been stolen!
We are not finished; we are just at the beginning of the fight. We have been learning in the fight to become the Army of God over 2020, and will continue to grow into the supernatural Army of God, moving in sign and wonders. God has a plan! Evil does not get to win! God’s plan is perfect in wisdom and takes into account our victory. His word now to His enemies, again can be found in Isaiah 28 says:
“…I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, And the waters will overflow the hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol will not stand; When the overflowing scourge passes through, Then you will be trampled down by it.”
God’s timing is perfect; when He begins to move, everything will shake! Jesus warned that the house built upon lies will not stand…the rains will come, the floods will come, the Wind will blow, the earth will shake, and that house will surely collapse. Jesus also assured us that the house that is built upon the Rock that is Christ our Lord—that house will stand!