The Summing Up of all in Christ! Canada’s End Time Mandate

Around 1776 zealous Americans sought to persecute the British Empire Loyalists who had turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule.  The Spirit of the Lord spoke through the prophets of the Puritan Reformers saying: “Do not hinder these people, let them move to Canada.  Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America.  I am in the independence of America from Britain and will mightily use this country.  But Canada has been reserved by Me for the last days for a special work.” (Peter Marshall: The Light and The Glory) 

Canada has a unique and significant spiritual calling for the last days. This mandate, revealed by prophetic voices over centuries, is centered on preparing the Body of Christ for union with the Bridegroom and advancing God’s Kingdom purposes.

Canada has been called to work with Christ and His Kingdom to gather in Him all that is of Him, and bring the Body of Christ into full alignment with the Divine blueprint. This mandate requires both the removal of all defilements introduced outside of God’s plan and the restoration of foundational elements that have been lost—such as the Hebraic roots of the faith.

A Breakdown of the Call
1. Canada’s Apostolic Assignment: A Nation Set Apart
  • From the beginning, Canada was set apart by God for a special work in the last days.
  • Prophetic voices in 1776 declared that Canada was reserved for a unique role, distinct from other nations, to serve in the gathering and purification of Christ’s Body.
  • This nation carries an ambassadorial call to restore God’s original design and Pattern to bring the Bride into true union with the Bridegroom.
2. The Gathering & Purification of Christ’s Body
  • Canada is called to work alongside Christ in the fulfillment of Ephesians 1:10—bringing all things in heaven and on earth into alignment under His authority.
  • This entails removing everything that has been added outside of God’s will—defilements, worldly influences, and traditions that distort His original intent.
  • It also requires restoring missing components of God’s divine order, including the Hebraic foundations that were meant to be an integral part of Christ’s Kingdom expression on earth.
3. Canada’s Role as a Vanguard Nation
  • Canada has been positioned at the threshold of the Fullness of Times, called to lead the Body of Christ into the next phase of God’s Divine plan.
  • Just as 40,000 warriors went ahead of Israel to prepare the way into the Promised Land (Joshua 4:13), Canada is called to go ahead, preparing the Church for the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom.
  • The nation is called to be a signpost, directing the Church toward holiness, purity, and true kingdom alignment.
4. A Call to Radical Realignment
  • Canada must embrace a deep purification process, turning away from compromise and mixture that have diluted the power and authority of the Church.
  • This includes restoring:
    • God’s original order for His people, including the Hebraic foundations that establish His appointed times, covenantal identity, and Kingdom governance.
    • A true understanding of Christ’s rulership, removing the man-made carnal systems that hinder His authority from being fully established in His people.
    • The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, ensuring that the Church walks in true apostolic and prophetic anointing.
5. The Time of Separation & Kingdom Reformation
  • The Lord is separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats.
  • Canada is being called to say YES to this refining process, stepping into the fullness of God’s intentions without compromise.
  • This is a time of restoration and realignment, where Canada will act as a forerunner nation, partnering with Christ in establishing His Kingdom on earth.


Canada’s mandate is to gather all that is of Christ into Him and remove every corrupting influence that has distorted His Body. The nation is called to restore what has been lost, re-establish God’s original design, and prepare the Bride for union with Christ.

The time is now—Canada, rise to your destiny and align fully with Christ’s Kingdom!

The Blueprint

Canada has been given a profound mandate, to partner with Christ and to take the lead in birthing the prototype of the Headstone—the end-time Sanctuary prepared for Him. This foundational work has been set in motion for the important Era of preparing the way for Christ’s Return.  

God will work with His apostolic leaders to establish the prototype of His house in Canada and export it to the nations. The prototype is a Divine Blueprint intended to awaken and equip the saints and prepare the nations for the soon-coming King. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this message carries prophetic significance for the times.  

This Working Plan is not a rigid framework but a foundational guide—one to be built upon, adapted, and integrated with the unique vision and ministry God has entrusted to each leader’s Ministry. Together, we are called to align with His purpose and advance His Kingdom in this pivotal hour.  


It’s a Divine Blueprint: Showcases facets foundational to the House of God represented in Christ. Jesus Christ is the House that stands forever, the House that will never fall. It is possible to give mental assent to these truths, without them having reached the depths that produce transformation.  The full dynamic of Christ’s being has yet to be manifested in the House of God. 

What has been built throughout Christian history to the present day are partial reflections of Him. The House that God wants built, that will close the age, will be a representation of Christ with all His features, in all His fullness. This is His Word (Eph. 4:10-13). 

 “…[and He did this] to fully equip and perfect the saints (God’s people) for works of service, to build up the body of Christ [the church]; until we all reach oneness in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, [growing spiritually] to become a mature believer, reaching to the measure of the fullness of Christ [manifesting His spiritual completeness and exercising our spiritual gifts in unity]. Ephesians 4:12 AMP 

Structural Foundation: The Blueprint embodies the framework of the House or the skeletal structure of the Body of Christ, providing a secure foundation upon which to build—one that is anchored in Christ. 

Process of Completion: As the House is framed and the structure formed according to the Pattern, God will:  

  • Clothe it with Royal Garments – robes of righteousness and praise 
  • Breathe life into it (Ezekiel 37) 
  • Bring it to fullness in a season of fullness (Eph. 1:10, 4:13) 

The appointed time to Build: According to God’s higher ways, He has chosen to begin the work in the time of shaking and breaking up of the fallow ground. This prepares the soil in readiness for building.  

The Altar of His Presence: All directions are received at the Altar in His Presence: unless the Lord builds the House, all labor is in vain (Ps. 127).  

Summed up in Christ: Every part of the work finds its conclusion in Christ: all systems, governance, and features of the Blueprint are defined by the summing up of all things in Christ and are fulfilled in Him. Everything in Heaven and on Earth is summed up in the Headstone in union with the Head that is Christ. 

To Sum up Further Defined: 

“…that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth—IN HIM.”  Ephesians 1:10 NKJV  

“[He planned] for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and HEAD them up and consummate them in Christ, [both] things in heaven and things on the earth.” AMPC  

To Sum Up Definition: 

  • To conclude, recapitulate: review, summarize, to emphasize the main points.  
  • To the utmost degree, ends the discussion and dialogue and restates the outstanding features.  
  • The orderly interplay between the parts of a system or structure (Heaven & Earth, Heaven invades and comes down to Earth—Earth caught up to Heaven in Christ) 
  • The summing up of the economy of the fullness of times: the management and stewardship of God’s resources in all mountains and spheres is the Top Stone. 
  • The removal of all mixture that has penetrated the House of God and the reinsertion of all that has been removed. 
  • Things in Heaven and Earth are concluded in Christ: All facets of His being; His Mind, and Heart within the Hebraic dynamic.   

The Headstone apostolic generation will be granted a mandate from Heaven to administrate God’s Kingdom on Earth as plenipotentiaries, vested with full authority to fulfill His Plan. 

Download & Print a copy of the The Blueprint and the action Plan Here