Throughout the Bible, God employed the use of numbers to express spiritual truths, to mark and direct us to notable events on Heaven’s trajectory of movement up to Jerusalem and the future Reign of Christ. Certain numbers have been revealed
I was recently awakened in the middle of the night with a burning question in my heart: What would the apostle Paul and the disciples do in the situations that believers are now faced with in Canada, the United States
The notable year of 2020 has ended and we have now entered the year 2021, now gearing up to be another notable year! It will now become increasingly important to be positioned securely in Christ, positioned in His truth, and
GOOD NEWS! God has checkmated the enemy’s move in the present coronavirus crisis. The enemy’s plan was to release calamity on the earth, but God strategically incorporated this virus in His plan to bring forth transformation in the world! The
I have found that the walk of the Christian life is fraught with trials and testings on the Journey in Christ that takes us from Glory to ever increasing measures of God’s Glory. This has been my experience for over
We have definitely come to the end of season of preparation and completion in our character and our faith, and the launch into a very far-reaching and momentous race set before us! 2018 began for me with great anticipation an
I heard the Lord say, “I am the Finisher and I will finish what I have begun! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the last, the One who goes before to prepare your way in order
“Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it,
I am so encouraged by the experience I had on the morning of the Day of Atonement. I was in prayer with the Lord and had a sense of a revelation on the horizon, as we are in the shifting
In the early 1990’s, God invaded my world with a series of encounters that radically changed the course of my life and moved me to leave my career to begin my journey with the Lord. This began a new season