In previous words that I have published, I have emphasized the importance of understanding the dichotomy of light and darkness, as I find that there is a tendency to emphasize either the glory side of things and the authority given
The Book of Esther contains certain keys that provide revelation to help us in our understanding of the flow of events in the end times. King Ahasuerus, in the third year of his reign, gave two feasts. The first banquet
Throughout the Bible, God employed the use of numbers to express spiritual truths, to mark and direct us to notable events on Heaven’s trajectory of movement up to Jerusalem and the future Reign of Christ. Certain numbers have been revealed
In the New Testament, in almost every letter written to His Church, God is referred to as “the God of peace.” When we are saved and become a child of God through our belief in Jesus, we not only receive ‘peace
I was recently awakened in the middle of the night with a burning question in my heart: What would the apostle Paul and the disciples do in the situations that believers are now faced with in Canada, the United States
Men and women in union of mind and heart, in agreement with God, carry the seed of Elohim. The fullness of the Plan of God usually comes first to us in Seed form, infused with the DNA of God, where the
God has been preparing His people for this notable hour of history as the containers and dispensers of His life and His goodness. He has been pouring in the treasures of His Word and soaking us in the anointing of
Over the days of Purim, in a devotional time with the Lord, He began to open certain aspects of Esther’s story to me. I have taught many times on the story of Esther as have many, and have tended to
Recently God reminded me of a vision that He gave me at a conference in November 2019; as an indication of a move that He had begun, its progression over 2020, and its present significance in 2021. I was in
The world is presently swirling in confusion and chaos, and many are people losing hope and are desperate for good news—Good News the Body of Christ is in possession of! We are on the edge of a Great Awakening that
As I was praying recently the Lord spoke to me and said that more shaking was about to come, that this was a good time to posses the Spirit of the fear of the Lord! Before I go further, I
The notable year of 2020 has ended and we have now entered the year 2021, now gearing up to be another notable year! It will now become increasingly important to be positioned securely in Christ, positioned in His truth, and
Over these past months the words I have received from the Lord, I have seen through the lens of the season of war we have now entered. The Lord is highlighting the need to courageously address present realities that necessitates
September 18th Rosh Hashanah marked the beginning of the new Jewish Year 5781, that will take us into the year 2021 on the Gregorian Calendar. Normally, at this time, I would look into the Hebrew name and definition of the
Before the 2016 elections in the United States, I published a prophetic word on my website that was later published on other prophetic platforms. I wrote that the Lord had showed me that Donald Trump would win the election and
Over the last six months God has continually pressed me with the words launch and rocket. From January of 2019 He revealed that May 2020 would be the Launch, and over Pentecost the Space X rocket was launched as a
GOOD NEWS! God has checkmated the enemy’s move in the present coronavirus crisis. The enemy’s plan was to release calamity on the earth, but God strategically incorporated this virus in His plan to bring forth transformation in the world! The
I recently wrote a word titled, Three…Two…One…Lift Off, a word the Lord gave me regarding a rocket about to be launched. After the word was first published in February, I heard the Lord say, “The countdown has begun!” When He
Apostle Barbara Yoder: Faith Marie Baczko is well known to me; she is a biblically based Spirit led minister and I fully endorse both her and this word:
I was recently at a Conference in Ann Arbor at Apostle Barbara
God is presently strategically positioning His people for the launch of a great Heavenly campaign, through which the Lord with His heavenly hosts will begin to plunder the enemy’s camp to capture a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom
The last word that I wrote was directed at knowing Christ in the power of His resurrection and pressing on to the High Call of being trusted with His power. However, that’s only half of the equation in the attainment
The first week of this year I became quite sick and had to take a few days off to rest. As I lay on my couch, I took the opportunity to spend some time in prayer and soaking. God took
I recently attended a significant Elijah List conference at the River Church in Hamilton, Canada. Steve Schultz & Doug Addison both spoke very unique and powerful words related to ‘contending.’ My heart was very moved as God had been stirring
“Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, ‘The days are prolonged, and every vision fails’? Tell them therefore, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will lay this proverb to
For close to two thousand years from the time of Abraham, the Father has worked to cultivate the Olive Tree that is Israel, establishing the protocols of relationship to an omnipotent God. He established the altar of worship, laying the
Jesus is the Pattern of the House of God, and the Pattern of the New Man God has been fashioning over the centuries. Jesus is the Plumb Line that holds all things to account pertaining to Yahweh’s House. For three
Over the past few weeks the Lord has been stirring my heart in regard to Canada’s destiny and a coming invasion of the angelic host. God has chosen specific nations, released to run at appointed times in History as the
The plan of redemption works to not only ‘buy back’ man from his lost state, but includes the possibility of conformity to the image of Christ and the fullness of union with His very Life—a union that guarantees as
Woman—so named because she was taken out of man! A Woman is therefore created from the same substance as man, yet she is fashioned by God as a unique creation. She is God’s divine ingenuity on display, of equal worth
We have arrived in the most significant of years! The year of open doors and answers to long awaited promises! The year of the Favor of the Lord! The year where we will see the fulfillment of prayers prayed for many
According to the Hebrew Calendar we entered the year 5774 on Rosh Hashanah, which fell on September 4, 2013 on the Gregorian calendar. In the Hebrew alphabet the dalet is the fourth letter and means ‘door,’ and its numeric value
THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS SENT TO COMPLETE THE WORK OF GOD TO PREPARE A PEOPLE FOR THE COMING GLORY OF GOD ON EARTH! He comes possessing the whole counsel of God and bearing the Divine Blueprint of all that is
\”Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, \’The days are prolonged, and every vision fails\’? Tell them therefore, \’Thus says the Lord GOD: \”I will lay this proverb to
THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS SENT TO COMPLETE THE WORK OF GOD TO PREPARE A PEOPLE FOR THE COMING GLORY OF GOD ON EARTH! He comes possessing the whole counsel of God and bearing the Divine Blueprint of all that