I believe we are living in the notable season of the wrapping up of this age. The age that precedes the coming reign of Christ on earth. The time when the powers of heaven are being shaken, and when everything
When Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to the throne, He laid the groundwork for His disciples and followers to begin to build Yahweh’s House patterned after His Mind, Heart, all His attributes and His Life. In the early Church,
The Holy Spirit is right now brooding over the nation of Canada, and over all His people. He is breathing over them to birth them into the Glory of God. He will breathe His Breath to release His Divine life
I recently wrote a prophetic message centered on the concept of becoming a Golden Conduit for the Glory of God. Following its publication, I received a divine prompting to delve deeper into this revelation. The Lord impressed upon me the
My triumphant ones were created to become the Golden Pipes—the Conduit from which the golden anointing Oil flows to embrace humanity with My Glory. They are conduits fashioned from the pure gold of My Substance, possessing no dross or mixture. The Gold
The Body of Christ has been on a journey—a transcendent path in God’s work of separating a people to Himself. Central to this Divine work is the principle of separation and consecration, a distinct feature aimed at shaping a people
In 2022, a prophecy was given regarding “Fires of Awakening coming to the East Coast of America. The Lord then showed another prophet in Florida, the Angel of Awakening stepping on the shores of Florida, and when he did, a fire ignited and ran up the eastern
The great journey, commencing with Moses leading the Exodus out of Egypt that will ultimately concluding with the return of Jesus, encompassed three pivotal milestones, each signified by God through God’s sacred Feasts. In the initial month of the Biblical
In this hour of history, it is God’s desire that we go deep into the depths of understanding of the Communion table, the significance of Communion to our growth into the stature of Christ, and of the power resident in
In the days of the judges when Israel would continually fall back into sin they would be defeated by their enemies. When Deborah was raised up by God to be the Judge over Israel, the people of God had abandoned the precepts
I Am Calling for Another Great Movement of Return!
Hear O Israel! Hear My people! Hear the sound of My voice, hear the sound of My heartbeat calling you home! Hear and hearken. Storms are gathering, and nefarious
Israel stands today as a testimony to the existence of Yahweh, the Living God of all Creation. Israel was brought forth as God’s prophet nation that spoke the Word of God through their prophets and their history to the nation
This year, Israel celebrates 75 years of its Independence as a nation, after close to two thousand years of dispersion following the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by the Romans! In 2023, beginning on May 7th, Five million people globally,
In Part I of Prophetic Insights for 2023, we delved into a discussion about the first three horsemen as outlined in Revelation 6. I firmly believe that we are presently living in this prophetic timeframe. The last horseman we addressed