Canada’s Call, Destiny, and Mandate is far beyond what has been understood or imagined! It includes the High Call to build with Christ the end-time Sanctuary for His dwelling—a work that lays the groundwork for the time and season that
(This image is a vision the Lord gave regarding Canada recorded in my book Canada’s Divine Mandate. See Below)
The Nation of Canada has been given an Apostolic call to be a builder for the end-time purposes of God. Canada
I have been speaking about Canada in a specific way regarding a specific Call that the nation carries. However, this present word is again for the Apostolic generation that prepares the way for Christ.
Canada has a unique destiny in
In 2022, a prophecy was given regarding “Fires of Awakening coming to the East Coast of America. The Lord then showed another prophet in Florida, the Angel of Awakening stepping on the shores of Florida, and when he did, a fire ignited and ran up the eastern
Shortly after a past ministry trip to South America, I was in prayer, meditating on God’s plan in and through nations. At that moment I saw a picture of a chess board and a hand moving the pieces or players
“Son of man, what is this proverb that you people have about the land of Israel, which says, ‘The days are prolonged, and every vision fails’? Tell them therefore, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will lay this proverb to
Over the past few weeks the Lord has been stirring my heart in regard to Canada’s destiny and a coming invasion of the angelic host. God has chosen specific nations, released to run at appointed times in History as the