Opening Doors Into Greater Dimensions in Christ!

Faith Marie Baczko

Hello and thank you for considering having me speak at your church or event. It’s an honor to share the powerful messages God has given our Ministry to build and strengthen His House for such a time.

My goal is to bring the prophetic word of the Lord on restructuring for readiness to receive the fullness of His Presence.

Below are four options for how I can serve you in achieving a position secured and anchored in Christ; one that can withstand the shaking prophecied in the Word that will come.

Four Transformational Teachings
For Securing Your Church & Ministry


Unraveling the Profound Significance and mysteries of Israel in the foundations of God’s Blueprint and eternal plans.

Israel was the beginning of the plan of God and embedded within Israel are also the dynamics of the completion of this transcendent plan. Understanding the significance of Israel to the counsels of God provides leaders with the facility to be aligned with His purposes in this hour, especially concerning the nations.

As Israel’s prophetic destiny continues to unfold, God has been establishing the Ekklesia as communities  in every nation on earth—a people grafted in and aligned with Israel. These will be carriers of the Flame who run the final race with Jeshua.


Revelations of God’s Masterpiece: the Headstone and the Headstone apostolic generation that prepares the way of the Lord!

The Headstone unveils the apostolic mandate for the end of the age, revealing the divine blueprint for a sanctuary capable of hosting the full weight of God’s Glory. As Spiritual revelation increases in depth and richness for the hour, a clearer and more precise image of the House of God has begun to emerge.

God has planned for a Headstone Generation of apostolic/prophetic volunteers, who willingly step forward in the Day of His Power, dedicating themselves to serve in these final days.


The urgency for transitional apostolic leaders to stand in the unique and challenging season of the Overlap!

The present times are setting the stage for a profound shift towards a brand-new Kingdom dynamic. This is being timed for the great awakening and move of God coming to dismantle and restructure the mindsets of Leaders, the people of God, and the incoming Harvest.

The need therefore arises for Empowered and Visionary Apostolic/Prophetic Leaders prepared by God for the dynamic of the times! Transitioning from one Era to another will involve complex and multifaceted dynamics that will shape the course of history.


Bringing insight and clarity to Canada’s Mandate as a nation reserved by God for a special work in the last days.

Canada is being entrusted with a profound mandate—to partner with Christ in pioneering the prototype of the end-time Sanctuary of the Headstone. This foundational work is unfolding in preparation for Christ’s return.

God is raising up apostolic leaders in Canada to establish this prototype and export it to the nations. Every part of the work finds its conclusion in Christ: all systems, governance, and features of the Blueprint are defined by the summing up of all things in Christ and are fulfilled in Him. 

Invite Faith

Faith Marie looks forward to engaging with leaders and their communities, and offers a range of impactful resources to establish the House of God on His eternal Foundations. Faith is keen to release these revelations to you.

Faith Marie Baczko’s passion and expertise in these areas will undoubtedly enrich and empower your congregation to be secured and positioned to stand in this volatile season of history. She looks forward to the opportunity to share these transformative messages with your Ministry, church or in the Marketplace arena.

We would be honored to partner with your church in hosting these teachings. Our resources can be tailored to fit your specific needs—whether as a course, seminar, or conference—designed to strengthen and inspire those called to the front lines of this spiritual battle to produce the Headstone.

Ready to Invite Faith Marie for your event? Get started:

Fill out the Form: Provide us with your information and begin the process of partnering with FMB Ministries to bring an anointed and inspiring  event to your church and city!

Initial Consultation: If we’re a good match, we’ll schedule a Zoom call with Faith to discuss the event details and ensure we are of likemind.

Plan Logistics: We will then coordinate all logistics regarding travel arrangements and accomodations.

We will be sure to get back to you promptly to discuss the Event.

Invite Faith