On the Day of Atonement, in this time of shifting, new seasons and expectation of doors opening, I was praying and seeking the Lord regarding the dynamics of the year ahead. He showed me that with the opening of new doors certain things needed to be left behind, and in certain areas and projects new life would break forth and be carried over into the new season. There were projects I had begun that were prospering to a degree, and there were others that were prepared and ready, yet appeared to be abiding in stillness, waiting in expectation of the Breath of Life.
As I prayed, I felt I led to read the Bible and opened to Ezekiel 37:3, to where the Lord was asking Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” I sensed the Lord was leading me to my answer. While acknowledging and honouring Israel’s place in this passage, I felt He was asking me the question, can these bones live? His instruction to me was to Prophesy! To call for the Breath and the wind to blow on these projects!
“And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.” Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.” Ezekiel 37:3-4
I believe this is a word for many—much in the body of Christ that may seem dead is about to COME ALIVE in the power of the Holy Spirit. Resurrection power will course through the Body bringing life into all the cell structure––the cell containers of life that have been prepared and ready to host the life of Christ in fullness. God said to speak life and prophesy to them and they would live!
The Sons of Men Given Dominion!
Psalm chapter 8 tells us that with all the magnificent Glory of God’s Creation, He has given Dominion over the works of His hands, to the sons of men! We are given command of the prophetic word of the Lord in Christ and all things must, therefore, yield and obey—everything is under man’s dominion!
“…what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet…” Psalm 8:4-6
In Mark 11:23 God said that we can have whatever we say. This is true in both the negative and in the positive. The question is then, what are we saying? How is our ruling going?
“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, \’Go, throw yourself into the sea,\’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.”
Even the earth must yield to the word of the Lord in our mouths! God began to show me that in order to speak the Word of the Lord in confidence, that I needed to have His vision; I needed to see what He was seeing and to believe it! He convicted me about words that I had been saying, words that did not line up with His vision for my life. He is asking us, “What are you seeing, and what are you focused on? Do you see My glory and success breaking forth from your life? Do you see yourself as I see you, doing the things that I have called you to do?”
God’s has qualified us for our destiny—the destiny created and prepared for us to now step into! He will never fail us, His responsibility is to ensure that we get to the finish line. Are you ready to take the risk?
God says to ask for rain in the time of rain. When it is raining, when there is an outpouring, that is the time to ask for rain! We are in the season of rain, the season of the Life and power of God breaking forth. God wants to open the floodgates over our lives. It is imperative to God that we partner with him to leave the things He wants us to leave behind, press on to call forth what is not, and to call for the Breath to come into what already is, that He wants to remain!
I believe this word is for the body of Christ, to all who have not yet seen the life Break out in their ministries to the fullness that they were believing for. God is saying to prophesy to the Breath to come, to breathe Life on the containers we have prepared to showcase His Glory in this hour.
“Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.” Ezekiel 37:9-10
We are now at a critical juncture in history, in the movements of God. A time when we must be closely aligned to Him, and to his movements—hearing His voice and doing His will. A vast army has been prepared in the secret place of travail, and Life is about to break in—to break us out. The breaking in is for breaking us out!
Flood Waters Pressing Against The Church Doors
The Lord reminded me of a time many years ago; I was part of a church that had received many powerful prophetic words of a move of God from many well-known prophetic voices. It seemed that we are on the edge of something very powerful and everyone in the congregation was sensing it. It was as if the Holy Spirit was hovering and brooding over us. One of the intercessors had a powerful vision of double doors made of glass bulging inward toward the inside of the church. It was as if great flood waters were pressing against the doors and about to crash in. It was the Presence of the Lord wanting to break in—a mighty wave of His Glory pressing in on the church!
The revival never came. Revival costs! There is a price to be paid and conditions to be met. Sacrifices placed on God’s Altar in worship. At that time, I heard the Lord say very clearly, “Give Me a sacrifice.” Sacrifice is something that costs us. As the Presence was pressing against the door of the church I felt the Lord was saying, “Give me a reason to show up.” I am not referring to the Presence of God that is always with us, I am speaking about the manifest Presence and Glory of God invading a church or territory.
Resurrection Glory breaks in on something that is dead. God wants a sacrifice! The sacrificial cost is to give Him our lives, surrendering all to him…or, it may be something in particular or someone that He is asking you to give up, something to be laid down or to give someone, it may be our time or a financial offering He may be asking for. There is a partnering with Heaven to bring forth and release the prophetic word.
Those who have ears to hear, they will hear!
The Day of Pentecost came shortly after that vision and the Lord instructed me that we were to have a meeting, a day of worship and prayer set apart for exalting His Name. The day before I was to share this with the congregation I got laryngitis and could not speak. I knew the Lord was saying I was to speak, and thought that he would heal my voice. I prayed and ask the Lord to heal my voice so that I could impart His heart for this day—I sensed that the day apart was to be special, that He wanted to move in a new way.
When I got up to speak I still had no voice! I then heard the Lord say in my heart, that my lack of a voice was a sign and wonder—that He wanted to speak in a whisper! He said those who have ears to hear, they would hear! The Lord did show up in a powerful way that day, many were slain including children and began to speak in tongues.
It can be a fearful thing when the Lord chooses to speak in a whisper as the noise of pride, sin and the cares of life can drown out the sound of His voice. Those who are drawing aside to give Him His place will hear His voice. The Lord has been speaking loudly as the sound of a trumpet, I believe He is now about to speak in a whisper—many who have laid down their lives for His glory and have drawn close to Him will hear.
The great saints in the Bible and the great revivalists of old were men and women whose lives were lived on the altar of sacrifice. They did not love their lives onto death (Rev. 12). They gave the Lord all for His Glory and His will to be done. The anointing they carried—gained from living sacrificially, transformed whole cities, nations and communities.
Surrender is not just about getting on our knees or taking on a posture of humility. It is about the heart that bows low to the will of God in obedience to His Word—it is an inward posture of reverence. It’s about a life that loves obedience, perseveres in love and does not capitulate—a life that presses on to pursue a walk of righteousness in the face of adversity. It is revealed in the choice to keep our hearts clean and free of offense, the choice to honour when you don’t think that honour is due, the choice to yield your will when to do so feels like pain and death; the choice to go where your heart fears to go and to stand resolutely on the Truth in the face mocking.
God open our eyes to see the Presence bulging at the door of Your House, crying out, “Give me a sacrifice! Give Me a reason to break in!” This is the season of the Feast of Tabernacles—the last feast to be fulfilled by the Lord. It is a time when we give to the Lord offerings made by fire—something that costs. The Lord said to the Laodician church, “I counsel you to buy from me gold tried in the fire.” When we give all to Him, then we may hear the voice of the Lord whisper, telling us, “Prophesy to the Breath,” His Life will then break in and break us out into the harvest fields.