Passover to Pentecost!

“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; The New Moon signified initiated a new beginning and an ending. Genesis 1:14
In His great wisdom, God gave us the sun, the moon and the stars as a calendar to mark our times and the special Feasts days ordained for His purposes. In particular He instructed that the new moon, was to be the marker that began each Biblical month. The Hebrew word used for new moon and month is the same word chodesh. The New Moon set the beginning of the new month portraying the initiation of a fresh start or new beginning. God commanded that on the day of the new moon, offerings were to be brought before Him in an act of worship that would continue into His millennial reign.
“For as the new heavens and the new earth Which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the LORD, “So shall your descendants and your name remain. And it shall come to pass That from one New Moon to another, And from one Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD.” Isaiah 66:22-23
The Hebrew word moedim is the word used for God’s Feasts, for seasons, appointed times and also for the congregation. This revealed that they were significant appointments with God where He required the congregation to gather before Him in worship.
“These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” Leviticus 23:4
The Feasts of God represent God’s calendar of events, each marking a notable milestone of His unfolding and transcendent Plan. God calls them His Feasts as they are extremely significant and important to Him. Each of the seven Feasts marked specific milestones in the building of His Temple—the Foundation Stone laid in the Passover, the Cornerstone set in at Shavaot Pentecost, and the Headstone will complete it is the Feast of Tabernacles: Sukkot (See my books, The Blueprint & Israel My Son available on Amazon). The trumpets will resound at the Feast of Trumpets on the new moon of the month of Tishri to pronounce the completion of His work and announce the Return of the King to the seat of His Throne!
Over History, God has remained faithful to mark the days of the Feasts He has ordained. Passover initiated the commencement of His building work in a corporate people. Moses led them out of bondage into the transcendent work of Almighty God, represented by redemption in Christ, our Passover. God declared that the new moon of the month of Nisan (Abib), was to be the beginning of months, initiating the new year, and on the 14th day, the Passover Feast was to held—a revelation of the born-again experience gained from partaking of the Jesus, the Passover Lamb.
“…the LORD gave the following instructions to Moses and Aaron: “From now on, this month will be the first month of the year for you.” Exodus 12:1-2
“On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the LORD’s Passover.” Leviticus 23:5
From Passover God’s Plan moved forward unto Pentecost! As was promised to Israel through the prophet Joel, the Holy Spirit came and was poured out on Shavaot in Jerusalem—also known as Pentecost. Pentecost is the Greek word for fifty, representing the number of days God said to count, from the end of Passover up to when Pentecost was to begin. The Blessing of this Feast was later opened to Gentiles when the Holy Spirit fell on the gathering of Gentiles in Cornelius’s House after Christ was shared with them (Acts 10:34).
Pentecost is related to the movement into Glory—Passing Over from one level of Glory to greater levels of Glory and Power. This is both needed and required to fight the battles and for gathering in the great harvest of souls reserved for the end of the age. The battles intensified for the early disciples after Pentecost, after they had received the Power Jesus told them would come upon them to be witnesses of Him!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
The Feasts of God are heightened times in the Spirit when Heaven draws close, and portals are open on Earth for angel armies to keep the momentum of His plan on His trajectory. The Feats are very much related to time and to the Great Journey mapped out by God. They are designed by Him to keep us moving without straying from the path He has laid out. These Feasts are times for standing in God’s presence, passing before Him through Holy Spirit checkpoints where he assesses, evaluates, and releases the obedient to continue moving on to the greater levels of Glory.
2024 is a very significant year in the plans of God where the Earth will experience much shaking in the heavens and on Earth. On April 8th, 2024, marked by the new moon and the beginning of the Jewish Biblical new year, there will occur a very significant and total solar eclipse.
Also in this month falling on April of the Gregorian calandar, on the evening of the 22nd, the Passover Feast begins! At Passover, there is always a passing through Spiritual doors—Passing through doors on the Journey and passing through into greater Glory. We passover by obedience! Obedience to keep following the Lord is the key! 22 is a significant number in the Bible representing, Israel, doors, and the key of David.
“And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” Isaiah 22:22
2024 is also the year of the DOOR and falls in the Decade of the Voice. God uses our voice to activate the doors as He did with Jeremiah who was told he would be as God’s Voice to tear down, destroy, build and plant. Jesus Christ the LORD of Armies, is the Door, He is the Key that opens the doors; He is the Word and the Voice that activates doors… and He is our Passover Feast. We are a chosen generation called to be witnesses to God’s Glory revealed in a notable hour of history.
The Biblical Feasts are God’s Feasts ordained by Him. They are not Jewish Feasts, as some may say, they are the Feasts of God, transcending religion and all religious practices. They represent intimate dreams that are dear to the heart of God, as all Feasts represent the purposes of God as fulfilled in Christ on specific dates set by God! God has not given anyone the right to change the days, as all are fulfilled in their appointed time, to complete the purposes of God in Christ, concluded at His return. Paul and the apostles honoured the Feasts in obedience to God’s Word in the fear of the Lord.
“…but took leave of them, saying, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem; but I will return again to you, God willing.” Acts 18:21
“Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” 1 Corinthians 5:7-8
The Feasts of God call us to times of gathering corporately before His Presence, in acknowledgment that He is God, the great I AM …that there is none other. He surpasses anything that we can perceive and is therefore worthy of all honour, praise and obedience …causing us to fall prostrate before Him and to bow low!
Just as Moses was, leaders today are charged with leading God’s people out of Egypt and to eat the Passover Lamb; to lead them out of the deceptive ways of the world, idolatry to its gods, and bring them back to obedience to the Word of God.
On April 8th, an eclipse marks a spectacular celestial event seen across Mexico, United States and Canada. I heard the Lord say to check the definition of the word eclipse. It means: to eclipse by intervention; to be greater in significance, dominate, overshadow. A situation in which someone or something LOSES their power or fame because SOMEONE OR SOMETHING ELSE has become more powerful or famous.
I heard the Lord say:
A Divine shift is about to occur! I am about to eclipse the agenda of evil, the plans of man, the pride of man, and the wickedness of man. I am rising now to war. I am the King of kings, and My kings are now rising with Me in this Day of Battle. I have given time to repent and time is up!
In the Book of Jeremiah, God admonished His people for the sin prevalent in the land and in His House. In the grief of a Father He said:
“Yet I planted you a choice vine, wholly of pure seed. How then have you turned degenerate and become a wild vine? “ Jeremiah 2: 19
When there is repentance for sin, God is merciful and forgiving; but the people refused to repent forcing Him to discipline with times of judgment.
“O LORD, do not your eyes look for truth? You have struck them down, but they felt no anguish; you have consumed them, but they refused to take correction. They have made their faces harder than rock; they have refused to repent.” Jeremiah 5:3
God made it very clear the issue at the root of the the problem of their sin and iniquity: there was no fear of the Lord in the people!
“…you have forsaken the LORD your God, And the fear of Me is not in you,”
Someone asked me how would God eclipse the agenda of evil. I believe it will come by exposures, judgments, awakenings, abundant blessings and breakthroughs for the obedient. A courageous army mobilized and released over the next three months. Voices of his leaders levelled up to a new sphere of authority to tear down, destroy, build and plant! These are just a few ways, because as the God of the impossible, He moves with endless possibilities.
June 11th is Shavaot—the Biblical Day of Pentecost. An obedient tribe will be Passing over and through spiritual doors over the next few months. They will be moving forward on a trajectory of ferocious obedience toward greater Glory released around the time of Shavaot! In this upcoming season of great shaking, Let us cry out for the fear of the Lord to invade His Church!
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