In my last word, I shared of a new season we were entering in on 11/11/18 where many would be leaving the wilderness warfare behind with the strength and fortitude to possess their promised land. I would like to share some keys God has provided to enter in and hold this position. The first is regarding the New Wineskin. The Lord showed me that the mind of the Body of Christ is the wineskin that must now become New to contain His New Wine. We sometimes associate the New Wineskin with a new church structure or new model, however new models and structures having the capacity to contain God’s New Dynamic, comes first with the renewing of the mind—a supernatural reformation infusing it with the ability to receive and process the New Wine. Transformation can then take place as a natural progression of the outpouring of New Wine—an outpouring carrying the vision and DNA for the new season, containing fresh revelations of the Majesty of the exalted Christ.
The mind must be renewed and refashioned to withstand the challenges of the new season we have entered, to rightly comprehend and process the purposes of God in it. The mind must be rewired to receive and accept a fresh Spiritual dynamic intended to take us into a new dimension of God’s Glory.
Transformation into the New Wineskin requires that the old has to go, characterized by small mindedness, religious mind-sets bound to control, un-Christlike attitudes devoid of God’s love and compassion, and irrelevant traditions no longer serving the Lord, that are actually working to hinder His purposes in the new work.
“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.” Romans 12:2 AMPC
The New Wineskin is a mind that possesses the capacity to change, to be transformed, to perceive and to track with the movements of God, to hold fresh revelation, released in appointed times for appointed times, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Is. 43:19). We are greatly restricted in the perceiving of God’s New thing by limited thinking. Our vision must be enlarged to see the depth, the height and the width—the fullness of the God’s Majestic picture, in order to comprehend His strategies and partner with Him for bringing it into reality.
Vison for God’s New Thing can only be received by a mind that has been transformed and made pliable through brokenness, humility, love and compassion, and the deep desire to bow to the will of God. New levels and new dimensions of glory awaits those willing to make necessary changes! There is always more, no one has arrived! We must stretch our vision in this hour to see something more marvellous than we have seen previously.
Occupy The Revelation
The old wineskin cannot occupy new territory. The Lord has given me much revelation—whether for my life or Ministry, that has given me great joy, hope and expectation. However, with the trials of life, I sometimes find my self returning to an old place of uncertainty, once again seeking Him for direction. I was in such a place when I heard Him say, “Occupy the revelation!” With this statement came an understanding that we can lose the anointed, supernatural seed and the divine impact to our spirit that comes from heavenly, Holy Spirit revelation. The revelation, rather than moving us on to take spiritual ground, becomes lost because of the mind’s inability or lack of capacity to hold on to it!
Our soul is comprised of mind, will and emotion and is easily impacted by the trials and circumstances of life if not fiercely guarded and protected by faith in Christ—the Divine Shield that protects from all the elements of life. If the mind is not guarded it will easily be infiltrated by fear, doubt and unbelief. These are the fruit of an orphan spirit. The thief will always attempt to steal the revelation and push us off the ground God intends for us to occupy. The orphan spirit breeds:
Insecurity that convinces you that you are not worthy and therefore don’t belong.
Doubt and unbelief that convinces you that things will never change, and that you are not capable of holding it if they do!
Fear of taking the risk to believe and therefore act, and that if you do you will be making a mistake
Intimidation and fear of man that tells you that you are not good enough and convinces you to stay hidden
We must present ourselves before the Lord and be willing to receive understanding of old negative mindsets that are hindering our perspective and our ability to hold the revelation—mindsets that are limited, rigid and restricted, incapable and unable to embrace the Glorious destiny God has prepared for the lives of His people. The old wineskin is one of fear, lack and limitation. God’s intention for His people is that we receive the spirit of Sonship that convinces us that we are Sons of God—fully accepted in the beloved, prepared and equipped for the greatest move on earth of all time!
“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NIV
It is imperative that we overcome the darkness and the flesh, and begin to occupy the revelations God has given us, and occupy and live in His Word by camping out on it until we fully believe it and it becomes woven into our DNA! It’s time to forcefully resist the lies of the enemy, know that we are fully accepted in the Beloved and move out in the power of His might.
Decide and Declare It
How do we occupy the revelation of His Word for us? God spoke to my heart and said, “You Decide!\” There were times when I sought the Lord for details of His intentions for my life or the ministry He had given me, then get frustrated when I did not hear or could not understand His direction. I began to understand that as we grow in maturity in the stature of Christ, having our minds continually renewed, we become mothers and fathers of the faith, and God trusts us to make certain decisions. God trusts us to move in sync with Him within His Will—within the parameters of His Word and the revelations and vision he has given us for our lives. He said in His Word:
“You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.” Job 22:28
The Greek word for ways is derek, and it means: a road, a course of life or mode of action. God has supplied us with authority in word to decide on the course of our lives and the actions we will take based on our agreement with His will. He has given us the power to frame our lives within His Word, just as He framed the worlds with His Word at creation and created the visible with the invisible substance of faith (Heb 11:3). God has left room for us to decide in the paths of our destiny, in order to fulfill the scripture, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” (Ps. 37:4).
Our decision to agree with the Heavenly vision moves us onto new spiritual ground that releases God’s favor and opens doors of opportunity. Then as we make the decision to step out unto new paths, standing on the Word of God and decreeing and declaring His truth, the vision is given the potential to become reality.
Faith That Sees
In applying this to faith, when a revelation is received from God, is observed by faith, and seen in vision, if it is believed and called forth into reality—the invisible becomes visible! By faith we call forth the things that are not as though they are! Faith sees with spiritual eyes and nurtures the vision with God-given imagination; the vision takes hold of the person and because of faith they will not let go until it has come forth. The vision is conceived on the inside by observing it in spirit, and becomes established by declaration of faith words. Our internal capacity to conceive must increase, and the wineskin of the mind refashioned to contain the largeness of God’s revelation. We hold on to it by faith and occupy the revelation by giving it a place of prominence in our heart. The battle to give birth is a decision to fight for what we believe! Begin to SEE the door to opening to your opportunity, visualize it, embrace it and declare it!
“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” Hebrews 11:11
After recently reading this passage my spirit became very stirred as I saw all these principles come together powerfully in Sarah—I saw something marvellous that I had not seen before. Firstly, the miracle came forth by faith—Sarah believed! Secondly, where did her faith come from—she counted Him faithful who had promised. Sarah had experienced the faithfulness of God in her life on many occasions. The word for faith used in this scripture is pistis and means: conviction of the truthfulness of God! Sarah received strength to conceive, the Greek word for strength is Dunamis which means: miraculous, supernatural power.
It is interesting that the word used for conceive is used 11 times, only once as conceive and ten times as foundation. Sarah’s mind was renewed by faith in God—she saw, she believed, she trusted, thereby establishing a foundation of faith for all future generations. Sarah decided, she made the decision to act on the promise that marked out the course of her life. She occupied the revelation and nurtured it, and brought forth a child in old age! Sarah’s faith released the explosive, miraculous, dunamis power of God to break forth in her body and in her life.
Begin to see and observe God’s vision for your life. Occupy the revelations He has given you—hold on to them! Decide in agreement with God, then frame the future with His Word within those parameters. God is giving us partnership in Sonship. He’s saying:
“Decide! Tell me what’s your heart’s desire! Move out within the parameters of your life based on what I have given you in Vision. You have the mind of Christ! Decide, declare it and it will be established, and light will shine on the course you have taken!”