An Apostolic Team for Such a Time!

Our Commitment To You

To facilitate the growth of Apostolic Saints to achieve their full potential in Christ as we build God's House Together!

Apostle Faith Marie Baczko

Apostle Faith Marie Baczko

President of FMB Ministries

Faith Marie Baczko currently serves as the President of Faith Marie Baczko Ministries. Faith is a prophetic teacher with a mandate to release God's end-time Blueprint for His House especially in relation to Israel. She carries profound revelations to mobilize, equip and fortify the Body of Christ for this hour. Her entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit continually move her to break new ground.

Pastor Lillian Brown

Pastor Lillian Brown

Catch the Fire Church

Lillian loves serving the body of Christ through her prophetic gift, her leadership skills garnered in the corporate world and as a church leader. She has been on staff at Catch the Fire Toronto for 18 years and currently leads there in several capacities including, the Prophetic, Freedom, Intercession & Women’s Ministry. She has a heart of revival, loves the presence of God and has ministered in many countries.

Apostle Carol McLean

Apostle Carol McLean

Apostle & Founder of JJCM

Apostle Carol is the Apostolic accountability for FMB Ministries: Apostle Carol is the Founder/Apostle & Sr. Pastor of Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries. Dr. Carol had a powerful visitation from God which turned her life around and catapulted her to the position she holds today. The birthing of Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries is an apostolic work of the Lord. Apostle Carol's heart is to see revival in Canada.ion

Apostle Nikita Robinson

Apostle Nikita Robinson

Leader of Grace & Truth Ministries

After serving in the Air Force for 10 years the Spirit of God promised her that He would make her a General in His Army. Her apostolic calling and greatest passion are one, to see the people of God walking in the fullness of their divine destiny. She serves alongside her husband Apostle Terry overseeing an apostolic network and Grace & Truth Global Vision Ministries, with a Kingdom mandate is to Make the Name of Jesus Great Again Worldwide.

Pastor Phyllis Kelisi

Pastor Phyllis Kelisi

Pastor Teacher at FMB Ministries

Pastoral & Teaching Ministry: Pastor Phyllis was radically saved in 1977. The Lord called her into ministry in 1986. She was assistant Pastor with Impact Word Ministries in Mississauga, and with several home churches. Phyllis is a leader rich in wisdom and understanding of God's Word and is now ordained with Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries.

Pastor Rhonda McLeod

Pastor Rhonda McLeod

Director of Intercession for FMB Ministries

Rhonda is the Intercessory Director for FMB Ministries. Through the building of biblical foundations of Prayer, Rhonda has led corporate prayer and intercession in churches, conferences, and international prayer ministries. Rhonda trained as an intercessor under Francis Frangipane Ministries, with an emphasis on ministering to the Presence of the Lord while growing in Christlikeness through His Word. Rhonda is a trained Spiritual Director with Emmaus Formation Centre and serves the Body of Christ in their journey to wholeness in Christ.

Sharon Dean

Sharon Dean

Minister of Healing & Deliverance

Sharon Dean has been a conference speaker, teacher, mentor, and a healing and deliverance minister in the Christian community for many years. She is also a Marketplace Minister and paralegal and her heart mission is to see people transformed, healed, and mobilized into their calling to serve the Lord around the world.

Pastor Mary Di Paolo

Pastor Mary Di Paolo

Pastor & Prophet with FMB Ministries

Mary and her husband Vince have served for 18 years as leaders and pastors under Eagle Worldwide Ministries. Mary and Vince together pastored a Church in Toronto, Ontario under EWM for several years. Mary moves in the prophetic gift and has taught prophetic intercessory prayer at their School of Ministry. Mary is bi-lingual and ministers in both English and French. She is currently ordained with Jehovah Jieh Christian Ministries.

Patricia Newton

Patricia Newton

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant for FMB Ministries: Trish is a seasoned and anointed woman of the Word and a great asset to this Ministry. She currently attends Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries.


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