The world is presently swirling in confusion and chaos, and many are people losing hope and are desperate for good news—Good News the Body of Christ is in possession of! We are on the edge of a Great Awakening that will usher in the greatest Harvest the Church has yet seen. The need of the hour is for a Church mobilized to work with the Lord of the Harvest to occupy the Harvest fields.
Over the past week I have been sensing in my spirit that we are on the edge of an event that will bring change causing a shift to the dynamic of this season. I have also been seeing the phrase the sons of God highlighted in my spirit. In Romans chapter 8, Paul speaks of a remarkable event that will come upon the earth in a unique season of time. This supernatural occurrence is the revealing of the sons of God. Paul tells us that this event is underscored by the groaning of the whole earth in a significant and exceptional travail to bring it forth.
The revelation of the sons of God is an event that God has prepared for, from before time; it is the ultimate fulfillment of His heart’s desire—the chief end of all His work. His transcendent plan! The word reveal is the same as to manifest or to bring forth—to take off the cover, a pulling back of the veil to reveal this marvel. God is about to take off the cover to reveal and to show off His kids to the world and to principalities and powers.
The sons of God, rising out from this generation will walk in the righteous character of the Lord, clothed in the armor of God’s Glory. They are armed with His Power to withstand the demonic assaults on Christianity that is growing and will characterize this decade! It is vital that God has a people prepared and positioned with Divine revelation and understanding of their Call, on this notable hour of His-story. A people equipped to begin to move out in strength, courage, and boldness to do exploits and advance the Kingdom of God on earth! This generation is responsible to steward the purposes of God in this season they have been assigned to. Yes, God has created and fashioned us for Himself—for His pleasure, however we are also created to accomplish specific tasks in His work, to complete His purposes in Christ. We are told in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
God is a strategic Leader and has prepared a strategic task force for this hour; it is comprised of the sons of God and the angel armies of Heaven, united in His divine purpose. He is bringing these forces into divine alignment to administrate His will on Earth. God is working to prepare an apostolic, prophetic government as the leaders who will oversee the crucial work of this hour. The government of God’s house must be established on God’s foundation of order, as a safe place for the harvest. It would not be conducive to bring large amounts of people into disorder and confusion. God will have fathers and mothers secured in position, conformed to the image of Christ, having both His mind and His heart to oversee and administrate this season.
Jesus said that He was building His Ekklesia on the revelation that He was the Son of God. Paul later received the revelation that he was a son of God when Christ was revealed in him. He understood that he was being fashioned in the likeness of the Son of God, to move with Him in His power and great authority. Jesus is the Son, and we are the sons of God created in His likeness and conformed to His image. This is the generation that will see the sons of God who have been crucified with Christ, rising in His Resurrection Glory. They are fashioned in fire to withstand the demonic forces unleashed on earth. Our God is a Consuming Fire, and we are being fashioned in His Fire, that we may live and move and have our being in His Presence!
“I watched till thrones were put in place, And the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, And the books were opened.” Daniel 7:9-10
There is a great struggle underway between Light and darkness. Recognition that this is our time to shine is vital to becoming the history makers God intended us to be. This is the hour to prove God by holding Him to His promises and testing Him in His Word. An army manifesting the likeness of Christ, is now being positioned for their release to manifest Christ in the marketplace. This apostolic, prophetic army of God being positioned in its place, must now be ready to go! It will be said of them as it was said of the early disciples, “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too” (Acts 17:6).
Let that be said of you, for your city and your town and your nation. The people of God have been entrusted with a weighty and critical mandate for this hour. Saints living today have been chosen by God and handpicked for such a time. They are called forth to meet the present cry and demand, the Earth is putting on creation, in response to the encroaching defilement of darkness on the land. When the defilement on the land reaches its limit, God will move to cleanse His land. The land occupied by Governments and its state and capitol houses have been defiled in America and many nations, releasing gross deception on the Earth. The land has its limits to evil and according to God’s word will expel those who continue to defy His laws: “‘Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.” Leviticus 20:22
Many unique factors to this hour, are presently converging to create the conditions for a perfect storm, factors such as the brazen collusion of big tech companies and social media to limit free speech; the collusion of leaders of national and supranational governments and corporations to orchestrate dominion over the peoples of the Earth. Massive buy outs of farmland by oligarchs and billionaires to control the world’s food supply, granting them decision over what and how we eat; leaders positioned with the intent to release chaos in societies and produce wars, to give themselves power in the name of bringing peace; the restriction of religious freedoms, particularly Christianity, such as Biden’s latest executive order promoting homosexuality and transgenderism as a key feature of its foreign policy, with the allowance of his Global Equity Fund to blacklist religious leaders who speak in favor of the natural family.
There is a massive power grab underway that is far too great for anyone to fight in the natural—but for God the situation would seem quite bleak and dire! There is but one way to take down these giants, and that is in the Spirit of Almighty God. We are told in Zechariah 4:7, that mountain moving capacity comes not by might nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit. God is looking for the people, who like Joshua and Caleb, believed that they could take down the giants in the land, in the power of God; Caleb said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.\”(Num. 13:30).
God alone holds the strategy, the power, and the wisdom to move the mountains in the way of His purposes and destroy the strongholds in His paths. Caleb did not see the mountain as an obstacle before him, but rather a mountain to occupy, he said: “Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day…” (Josh. 14:12). For Caleb, the mountain of God was magnified far greater than any mountain before him. The Earth is travailing for such courageous governmental leaders, to stand firm and to fight.
Is it time for the revelation of the sons of God? Is the world ready for this revelation? Are we Spiritually ready for God to be revealed in us? For Christ to manifest Himself in us? In the book of Acts, an event occurred that changed the course of Christianity and took it from a little band of believers in a city, to spread like wildfire across the continent of Europe. That event was the beheading of James. Many noteworthy occurrences, of 2020 have moved the saints out of a place of stagnancy to begin to mobilize as an army. More occurrences may be on the way to move us further into the supernatural ministry of Christ, where we will be called to stand for the Gospel and for God\’s purposes in all spheres of society.. God is fashioning His army within these fires to be representatives of His Word and His Kingdom.
World changing events will be breaking into and shaking the human situation, and the political and religious situation. No society can endure, whose foundations are built on deception. Truth will break in to shake the weak and rotten foundations. A wind will come that crashes everything. We are at such a precipice. There are forces attempting to build a new world order on foundations of deception and manipulation of norms, with the intention for control and dominance. Every Empire over history has fallen, however, the empire spirit is as active today as it has ever been, seen as recently as in Britain, Germany and China who is now flexing its muscles. This attempt will fall before it even gets off the ground. God will not allow His will to be side-lined by demonic actors in the political realm. He is positioning His people for a a great awakening on the horizon.
God is preparing a clean vessel to pour Himself into, a vessel fashioned from a God possessed people. Secured foundations and the intensity of our desire for God, reveals our capacity to contain Him. The people of the Hebrides, prayed fervently for a long time to see the glory of God and revival in their land; Duncan Campbell the main leader in this significant revival, said in regard to this:
“How they longed and how they prayed and how they waited and how they cried, “Oh God rend the heavens and come down,” and all the time God was dealing with them, and the process of cleansing went on until the moment came when angels and archangels looking over the battlements of glory cried, “God the vessels are clean, the miracle can happen now.” I believe that with all my heart; it is the deep conviction of my soul that they are ever gazing over the battlements of glory and waiting for a prepared people. It is one thing to shout it, it is one thing to sing it, it is one thing to talk about revival, but give me a people on their faces, seeking to be rightly related to God, and when that happens, we will soon know the impact of God-realisation in our country.” (taken from The Price & Power of Revival).
If our desire is to see the power of God break into this realm, we cannot afford to be people who say they fear the Lord, but serve other gods. intentionality about pursuing God in His truth, in His beauty, in His holiness, in His righteousness, is the altar upon which the fire falls. Jesus became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). Let us become a people recognizable to Him as a place of habitation by becoming a living sacrifice for His glory. A fresh revelation of Christ in Glory, in His majesty, will cause every knee to bend and declare that He is Lord. Lord give us such a revelation. Give us such a desire to dwell in your Holy Fire. Let the blood of Jesus destroy every sin and bondage that keeps us bound to a life of carnality, that we would cry out as Isaiah did when he received a vision of the Lord:
“I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.” Isaiah 6:1-5