As I sat editing my latest book, Israel My Son, Jerusalem My Beloved, I was working on a chapter that the Lord began to highlight as pertaining to the present world situation with the American elections and the Great Reset—it was related to satan’s agenda at Babel. In it I listed four diabolical intentions made clear in this account—his intention to establish for himself a city, build a communications tower connected in spirit to the heavens, and to make a name for himself in the earth.
The enemy worked in collusion with a people who were unified in their intention to have dominion on Earth. The people were unified through their communion with the ruling dark forces that came in with the Fall. The enemy knew that incredible power would be amplified and unleashed through their union of purpose: As God said in Genesis 11:6, “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!
Satan’s strategized to establish a central base of operations to administrate his kingdom—a one world government and world order on Earth! He chose Babel to be his center. In the scriptures we are shown that Babylon became the spiritual Centre of the kingdom of darkness for all nations in the world. Today Babylon’s agenda continues to be enforced through organizations such as the World Economic Forum based out of Europe, founded by Klaus Schwab, Founder and author of the Great Reset: The WEF\’s mission is stated as being, \”committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas\” (Wikipedia). Their intent is to re-imagine the world and the present social systems functioning in the world, to implement the necessary changes for ushering their New World Order. Their next meeting in Davos Switzerland will be held in January 2021.
In the book of Daniel, chapter 7:25, satan is described as one speaking great words and attempting to change times and laws. At Babel, he devised through a demonic overreach to change times and laws outside of God’s timing. However, time belongs to God alone and nothing happens outside of His timing—satan found this out at Babel and is now about to find this out once again! At Babel, the scriptures tell us that God came down, He destroyed the enemy’s plan, confused their communication and scattered everyone!
“But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the LORD said, “indeed the people are one (unified) and they all have one language (communication)…now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” Genesis 4:5-7
Satan is again devising a plan to establish His kingdom—his world empire—and is attempting to come out to take his place openly in the world. According to scripture, the time will come when God does allow the world to move toward a new world order, and for a brief time, a world government ruled by satan. This is not that time!
The Lord then took me to the account in exodus chapter 3, where the enemy had oppressed His people for four hundred years in Egypt; it says He heard their cries and said to Moses: “…I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey…” Exodus 3:7-8.
In regard to the present situation in the United States and the world plot through the Great Reset, prayers and intercession have been going up and filling up the bowls before the Throne of God. In response God is now saying, I am coming down. God’s fire is about to fall. Sometimes it takes a long time for God to move, but when He moves the fire falls accompanied by thunderings, lightnings and earthquakes (Rev. 8:5).
Recently I awakened to the words, “I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.” As I pressed into the Lord, I heard Him say, “I am coming down with Fire and with Rain.” The Lord then reminded me of Elijah at Mt. Carmel. Elijah had told the people that the God who answers by fire, He is God! No matter how hard they tried, Jezebels prophets could not produce fire. Elijah then soaked the sacrifice from four large jars filled with water, he did this three times, representing cleansing, purity, and intercession, and the Lord came down on the sacrifice with Fire and licked up the water.
The Lord then said, “Jezebel desires a seat in the White House, in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, in the Mainstream Media and on the heads of world finance. She has her prophets of Baal in all spheres, but they are powerless against Me, I am coming down to scatter them and their evil plotting.”
We have entered the decade of the mouth where God is waiting to hear our roar, but His people and much of the world are afraid to speak, and afraid to act. Jezebel’s most powerful weapon now being utilized is fear and intimidation; a weapon she also used against Elijah causing him to run. We see her tactics of intimidation now being employed in all spheres. The enemy has been overpowering and wearing down the saints, but hope is still alive! The people of God cannot afford to succumb to fear right now, the stakes are too high. We must make our stand on the Word of God, and the word of His prophets, to bow down, pray and intercede as Elijah did. God is faithful to His Word, His promises are sure, He will back the words of His anointed prophets.
“LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that You are the LORD God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.” Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.” 1 Kings 18:36-38
God SAW what they were doing at Babel and He came down, He HEARD the cries of His people in Egypt and He came down, and He ANSWERED the call of His prophet Elijah at Carmel, and He came down. The Lord is coming down into this Global catastrophe! There is yet time for repentance in His Church—those who are on the fence and choosing the ways of the world over the ways of His Word. He is saying to turn from our wicked ways and return to Him, to the ancient paths where the good way is. He is saying to repent for choosing to agree with evil and to choose this day to agree with Him! He is saying to His people as He said through Elijah:
“How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.\” But the people answered him not a word.” 1 Kings 18:21
As He did at Babel, as He did with Moses in Egypt, and with Elijah at Carmel, God is coming down! Jezebel will be thrown down! I saw a large contingent of angels being sent out; they were pale gold in color—gold representing purity! The Lord said these angels were being sent to uncover hidden plots; they were highly skilled in exposing deeply hidden things.
I then saw a large convocation of Eagles coming to the rescue armed with the Word of God. Their words were like Holy Ghost artillery having the power to blow up Jezebel’s strongholds. These are the voices of His prophets carrying His word that will not return void. Many of these prophetic voices are women; a righteous army of women empowered by the Spirit of God to counteract Jezebel’s work, are now being released in the battle. They represent a righteous move of God among women who have the King’s ear, raised up for such a time as this. In partnership with their Mordecai counterparts, they will write and utter decrees to annihilate the enemy and hang the Hamans on their own gallows.
God is about to move, and it will come with thunderings and lightnings. He is coming with Fire and He is coming with rain to destroy the enemy’s untimely agenda. We may be in for a period of volatility and uncertainty and should be prepared spiritually to stand and not be shaken. God is saying to us, “Do not fear the fire, you will not be burned; do not fear the rain, it will not overflow you. “Stand with Me in the Fire and in the rain and you will see marvelous things. Don’t stop believing and don’t stop praying, I am coming down! Prepare for the supernatural displays of My might, gird up your loins and be ready!
“Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain… Then the hand of the LORD came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. ” 1 Kings 18:41,46