Over the past week I have been hearing the Lord say to read the book of Amos. As I read, what was outstanding to me, was that things had reached a state where God decided it was time to do something—that He would no longer turn aside. The situation was grave and called for significant measures, where it became necessary to bring out Heaven’s ultimate weapon against corruption—the only solution to the problem! God said to Amos, I am sending the Plumb Line!
“And the LORD said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said: “Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of My people Israel; I will not pass by them anymore.” Amos 7:8
The Plumb Line is the stature and measure of Christ, the King! It is a revelation and manifestation of the true authentic Christ in fullness of stature and Glory; where in beholding Him, all fall prostrate and declare, “Woe is me; I am a man of unclean lips.” The Plumb line will expose and bring all mixture within the House of God into the light to reveal what is of Christ and what is not. Nothing and no one is pure and perfect other than Jesus Christ! Nonetheless, the repentant are safely hidden within Him. It will become increasingly important to be secured in Him—to recognize and become aligned with the authentic Christ and not another christ. Jesus warned that there would be many false christs manifesting and giving false testimony as the days draw closer to His return. It is in knowing Jesus intimately in His five-fold High Priestly role, and in all the attributes and virtues resident within Him, that we are able to discern the counterfeit and not acknowledge another.
Our God is a jealous God who dislikes mixture. At present there is a mix of good and evil in every sphere of humanity—becoming more clearly defined with each day. We see a mixture of the lie with the truth, mixture in the motivations of heart and mixture of all kinds of spirits functioning. God is clearly drawing a distinguishing line between light and darkness, thereby eliminating the fence sitters and confronting the lukewarm in His Church. In the parable of the wheat and tares, God said, let them grow together to their fullness until the time of harvest (Matt. 13:30). Well, it\’s harvest time and the Plumb Line will be moving to separate the wheat from the tares. In a previous word that I wrote regarding 2021, the Lord showed me that good and evil would be coming to a head beginning in 2021.
In these times, it has become extremely important to discern the veiled deception within every discourse, as everything now spoken through all forms of media—written, audio or video, is now mixed with politics, innuendo and lies, and is releasing deliberate, intentional duplicity. What was thought to be conspiracy in the past is now proving to be factual, however, to confuse, it is being presented cloaked in lies and propaganda.
A common tactic of the enemy—his chief strategy used in the garden, is to conceal truth within error and ambiguity, to discredit the truth. He does this brilliantly on both sides of the equation as a masterful propagandist. He creates mixture so truth is masked and undiscernible. People see or hear the error and either throw out the treasure with the defiling influences or embrace the truth along with error. God is the two-edged sword discerning the thoughts and motivations of man and is the Revealer of truth. Only the Spirit of God by the Word has the power to divide between flesh and spirit, and truth and the lie. How important then is it for us to become one with Christ in His heart and mind.
“For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrew 4:12 AMP
It has become critical in these times to have a mind that is renewed, formed in union with the mind of Christ. The mind is the new wineskin now being fashioned to perceive the thoughts and intentions of God for this volatile season. There is much flesh and too little Spirit and Word presenting right now. A smorgasbord of opinions has infiltrated the Church based on secular ideas and philosophy and not on the supernatural Word, Will and nature of God. Paul admonishes us in Romans 12:2 too have a renewed mind.
“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.” TPT
The prayer of power is the one Jesus taught us to pray—Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. Every Kingdom has a King! We have one King, one Lord and one Master, and every knee must bow to Him. What does it matter what we have to say and about our many opinions! All that matters is what the King’s opinion is and what He has to say! The only thing that produces for eternity is what is done through Him, in His Name. The Lord is not asking us to rule for Him, to govern for Him, to pastor for Him, or to evangelize for Him. He is not calling us to work for Him! He has called and chosen us that He—the King, might rule through us, govern through us, pastor through us, evangelize through us, and administrate His House through us.
Some focus all their energy on building their own houses and empires when God is saying, build My House! His House is a corporate body of many parts, and without Him as the centre in the mix, we can do nothing and accomplish nothing of eternal value. The new move of God coming, is Christ moving through a newly formed and submitted wineskin, where the King rises, moves in, takes over, cleans up the messes we have made, and cleanses the defiling secular and even demonic influences we have allowed in His house.
The King comes to establish His Kingdom, and the Faith as it is in Heaven! In comparison to His intentions, the humble will recognize that, at present there is mixture in every aspect of governance of His House. When He moves, all must yield to him and every knee must bow to His demands. As He says in Amos, He will overturn, just as He overturned everything in the temple when He first came. We have built His House according to the world’s blueprint and standards, when, as the Chief Architect, He designed it to be a House of prayer!
“Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7
“And he taught, saying unto them, is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves.” Mark 11:17 KJV
The word for as used in for all nations, is not in the original translation I believe the King James Version translation is more accurate, where God is saying that all nations shall call the House of God a House of Prayer. The word prayer in Hebrew is tefillah, which embodies the heart of love and worship in communion with its Creator. Tzvi Freeman’s commentary on this verse captures the essence of the definition of the word tefillah in Jewish thought:
“But what kind of labor can the heart do to serve G‑d? The classic Jewish answer is that this is tefillah: a labor of awakening the hidden love within the heart until a state of intimate union with the divine is achieved. That’s why the common translation—prayer—is horribly inaccurate. Prayer implies two distinct entities, an inferior one making a request of a superior. There is another Hebrew word for this: bakashah. Similarly, worship has a word: shevach. Tefillah includes both these elements but is itself neither of them. Instead, communion may be a better word—defined as a joining together of mind and spirit.” (
In Mark 11, God is declaring that all nations will call His House a House of tefillah—a place where Communion with Him transpires, where He is exalted—a place where He is acknowledged as Lord, where He directs and administrates His House. In tefillah we discern, we understand, we receive revelation, and we receive direction. What were the leaders of the Ecclesia doing at Antioch, they were fasting, praying and ministering to the Lord in tefillah? These are three requirements for Governance of God’s affairs and estate. We can\’t fear the people, we must fear God first and foremost.
In writing this word, I saw a picture of the Plumb Line having a diamond as the tip; the diamond representing all the facets of Christ—our multidimensional God. A diamond is the hardest known material on earth, even stronger than steel, and can even cut through glass. It is said that only diamonds can cut diamonds. The Plumb Line of Christ is the Diamond being sent through the Holy Spirit to now cut and shape His corporate people, to fashion us into the most brilliant reflection of His Glory and all the facets of the marvels of His life.
God is calling His people to come out of the world and be seated at His table. He is presently preparing a feast, setting a table for us, and asking us to come and dine with Him. Much of the world is presently dining at the table of demons, feasting on hate, anger, and every kind of foul bird. We can’t seek to appease and compromise on God’s Word. Preaching must be founded on the Word of God—even the tough passages on sin. Righteous, fearless, preaching must rise once again to declare righteousness and holy living in the House of God, according to the Plumb Line of Christ (without religious controlling spirits). As I was reading Amos God got my attention with another scripture.
“This is what the Sovereign LORD showed me: a basket of ripe fruit. “What do you see, Amos?” he asked. “A basket of ripe fruit,” I answered. Then the LORD said to me, “The time is ripe for my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.” Amos 8:1-2
Amos saw a basket of ripe fruit; other translations say a basket of summer fruit. God spoke in this passage using two similar Hebrew words as a play on words, the first is qayits meaning harvest, ripe or summer fruit; and the other in reference to Israel is qets meaning an end or extremity. The basket of fruit represents the people of God. I Believe It is possible that by summer we will see a shaking begin and God move in unique ways. The dynamic of the Plumb Line is two-fold in that it works to bring the righteous and submitted into fullness of alignment with Christ, yet, by its nature as the piercing Light of God it will stir and shake the demonic foundations of the Earth. The Plumb Line will rebuild the House of God to represent tefillah. Amos 9:11 tells us that the Lord will return to raise up and rebuild the Tabernacle of David—a House built within the Jewish dynamic of Jeshua, in the order of tefillah to possess the harvest of all the Gentiles called by His name!
“On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old; That they may possess the remnant of Edom, And all the Gentiles who are called by My name,” Says the LORD who does this thing.”
God is getting ready to release the Plumb Line to Build the House of Tefillah! I believe He is saying that the people are ripe, and the time is ripe for a move of God! Will we be found ripe and ready for action in surrender to God, or will we be found ripe and ready to be spoiled? Selah