Defining the Times & Marshalling the Troops!

When Donald Trump won the election In 2016, the words reset and reprieve were being released in many prophetic spheres. Before that election the Lord said to me, the word Reprieve, and revealed that D.J.T. would be the next president of the United States. I checked the definition of the word and discovered that it meant a delay in judgment.
At that time, God intended to give the body of Christ and the world the gift of a reprieve from judgments reaped that was fast approaching. There was a measure of reprieve under Trump’s administration, as he quickly removed the barriers and legislations that had been erected by the previous administration restricting the freedoms of Christians. At the time I published that word, the Lord continued to have me write other words related to the reprieve, having an urgency to take hold of assignments given, and to mobilize and run the race given during a transitory period of a divine reset.
However, post-election, what mostly occurred was the true nature of the heart became exposed through division, infighting, and a great dishonoring of each other and leaders in the Body of Christ. The consequence of this was great loss of ground, and ultimately the presidency. Darkness established its place and became magnified on the Earth. Over the last four years the enemy became empowered to play his hand encroaching into all spheres and systems.
With the present victory by Donald Trump in the 2024 election, I am again hearing the same words in the spirit, Reprieve and Reset. I am also sensing once again from the Lord an urgency not to lose the gift this time! The double doors have swung wide open for God’s people, and the Lord is expecting the army of saints He has been preparing for this hour to now mobilize and run with all the energy of God that He gives for this time.
We do not know how long this reprieve will last, it may be four, eight or possibly twelve years. It is important to recognize and understand that we are in a spiritual war with demonic forces that do not intend to give up—indeed they cannot, as Israel now occupies the Holy Land, the Earth is being made ready for the King’s return and they recognize their time is short. I believe God is giving us space and time to get ready, mobilize and organize for the ramping up for the battles in the near future. As with the example of king Joash, it is absolutely essential to now fully engage with the plan of God and strike the ground tirelessly as we move to occupy territory.
“And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.” 2 Kings 13:18-19
This passage reveals that complacency and half-heartedness does not please God and does not produce success. This is the hour in which we must fully embrace the Call to the stewardship of our times, as all saints are expected to in every era. God is now releasing great grace and favor to accomplish His will and purposes during this reprieve. The double portion is being given to fulfill our assignments, as the angel armies of heaven work in sync with us to ensure the work gets done.
God has been preparing and is now mobilizing and releasing His A-Team as seen reflected in Donald Trump’s new administration. It is a mobilization of the sons of God created and prepared for the hour—shining stars of noble and honorable disposition. These have embraced the call, counted the cost and have paid a high price in the fires of preparation. They are now being released to implement God’s transcendent strategies with speed and efficiency.
In this critical time, God’s Army cannot be handicapped by the desire to please man but must execute the Lord’s plan in His power, and the fear of the Lord. Divisive voices may get loud, and the naysayers will mock and ridicule, but the sons of God will possess the capacity to stand resolute with faces set like flint upon the Lord they follow!
There are those who say they belong to the Christian community, but have aligned themselves with an administration and people that support the darkness. They push for abortion, have agenda to capture the minds of this generation with evil intent, are for the mutilation of children’s body parts, are against Israel, eager for war, open borders, and are soft on crime and violence. The Word of God stands ominously against the insanity of such things and the last four years. Arrogance and pride, causes deafness, blindness, and restriction from His Presence, the consequence is there is little understanding of His ways and His will.
Intimacy with the Lord, however, brings us into an understanding of His heart and mind, and the movements of the Holy Spirit. It is important not to waste time debating or become distracted by their rhetoric as each ultimately must and will answer to God. As Paul shared in scripture God will use division to identify, separate and mobilize those who choose to gather with Him, from those who scatter.
“For first of all, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.” 1Corinthians 11:18 -19
Nations Called Forth for the Hour!
Israel, America and Canada are key and strategic nations in God’s hand; they are chief players in the battles to be fought in the climax of the ages. America’s might will be restored under the new administration as a restrainer of evil in the earth. It should now be evident to all that when America is deliberately weakened, and in a place of subjection to elite powers, evil forces become emboldened, allowing darkness to encroach upon the Earth. God will empower America to resist and push back the darkness for a season to execute His campaign on Earth.
Canada, as has been prophesied in 1776, has been reserved by God for a special work in the last days. This special work is the building of the prototype of the last day House of God, and work with the Holy Spirit for the summing up and gathering of all things in Christ to prepare the way of the Lord. Canada’s might will be executed in the context of spiritual authority. Canada has also been called by God to be a friend and ally to Israel, and work with Him to prepare this nation for the coming of the King. God recently showed me a vision of Canada as a womb out of which shall flow rivers of living and healing waters.
Israel is presently rising in a place of strength and ascendancy from the battles it has had to fight. As we are one with Israel in the Spirit, grafted in through Christ, Israel’s strength is being transmitted through the Body of Christ, and is releasing a rising of resolve to all. A spirit of might and the strength of the Ox is being imparted through Israel to the sons of God—the Army of the Lord. Israel will hold the ground and withstand its enemies in this season as will the Armies of God. As we join in union as one, to resist the forces of darkness, their agenda will be pushed back.
I Will Provide
A reset to common sense and sanity is now underway creating the atmosphere to accomplish Kingdom strategies. This is not a reset back to the old ways and the old days. It is a reprieve given to accomplish the key and strategic initiatives of God. All prophetic ears should have been prepared to hear the shot fired that blasted open the gates to our lane, releasing the saints to run a race of ferocity. Everyone has been given their unique assignment with which to strike the ground. God is saying: Strike the ground! Engage with heaven and seize the opportunity now being given.
Everything needed is being made available. The treasuries of the King are opening to faithful servants. God is inviting His warrior servants to make a demand on His great wealth and His goodness in this opportune moment! Now is not the time to waver or hold back! Take the leap of faith and set your face for the path and the task ahead. Command the path ahead to clear before you with confident authority and for the mountains to be removed! As Winston Churchill once said:
There comes a special moment in everyone’s life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity when he seizes it will fulfill his mission, a mission to which he is uniquely qualified. In that moment he finds greatness! It is his finest hour!
Are you ready? Are you ready for this?
I heard the Lord say, “It is time to Prime the Pump!” To Prime the Pump means to The process of investing money to encourage the development of a business, economy, etc.; to encourage the growth or action of something! To give something to create the conditions where others will give in return.
God is getting ready to invest financially in the development, growth and productivity of ministries, businesses and organizations. The conditions will be created where money and resources will begin to flow into the Body of Christ to build His Kingdom. He will provide for those who willingly give of themselves freely to build and provide for the coming Harvest—to care for and disciple them into sons of God. Money cometh! Do not say, I do not have a platform or influence. As God has said to Jeremiah He is now saying to this generation:
”…for you shall go to all to whom I send you. And whatever I command you usually speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I’m with you to deliver you, says the Lord! Behold I have put my words in your mouth. See I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant!” Jeremiah 1:7-8
The Lord says: I am ready to perform my word! I have called you to take your place in history in the movement of My Spirit toward My return! You are a chosen generation, standing under the Light of Christ moving with Him as One. The Holy Spirit has come to take charge. It would be dangerous at this time to get in His way. He will be opening new frontiers for the Great Release of the hour, embedded with the Promise of My Presence. The world will come flocking to you. They will come looking for the word of the Lord! Be prepared in season! Beware of the wolves in sheep clothing. They come to distract and sow confusion. Be wise and discerning. I have invested much in you; this is your time to shine. The Kingdom of Heaven is presently expanding in the Earth for a season. Lives will be awakened to the knowledge of God in the shaking! All forms of Media will explode with the Gospel; take advantage of this opportunity to communicate the word of the Lord and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is time to build and to plant with sword in hand! Prepare yourselves now in the calm before the storm.
I heard the words of Donald Trump echoed by the Lord: Drill baby drill! He is saying to all who have ears to ears:
“Go after the oil! Pursue the oil of the anointing of the Holy Spirit as it alone has the power to break the yoke of the enemy! As with Job the oil will provide richness of life and great blessing for others!
“When my steps were washed with butter, and the rock poured out for me streams of oil! When I went out to the gate of the city, when I prepared my seat in the square… the young men saw me and withdrew, and the aged rose and stood; the princes refrained from talking and laid their hand on their mouth; the voice of the nobles was hushed, and their tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth. When the ear heard, it called me blessed, and when the eye saw, it approved, because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him… Men listened to me and waited and kept silence for my counsel. After I spoke, they did not speak again, and my word dropped upon them. They waited for me as for the rain, and they opened their mouths as for the spring rain. I smiled on them when they had no confidence, and the light of my face they did not cast down.” Job 29:6-12, 21-24

A Day of Reckoning is upon us, and God intends to move in unprecedented ways to rescue a harvest of souls for Himself. We can therefore expect two unprecedented moves to collide on planet Earth, as the two forces of Light and darkness battle for the soul of humanity.
In a scandalous and brazen attack on all norms of civilization and Judeo-Christian foundations, the enemy is tearing ferociously against the very fabric of society and against the living God! It is incomprehensible that such a vast array of people, from every sphere of influence have chosen to be complicit in the enemy’s agenda to usher in a dictatorial New World Order, where our God-given freedoms are being stolen.
The stakes are extremely high! A generation is in peril! God is calling every man and woman to now step forward to contend for the Faith—to contend for the full manifestation of Christ in Glory in the sons of God.
A Rising Called For, not only brings understanding of the dynamics of this present season but also provides important keys to rise and become the overcomer God created you to be.
1. Discover significant Keys to Breakthrough into Your Destiny!
2. Receive revelation of the tools needed to become Equipped.
3. Receive the courage necessary to become the person that will not be shaken in the Times of Shaking!
4. Step into your Divinely Blueprinted Future prepared for you by God!