Contending with Horses in 2024!

I heard the Lord say that there is A PERFECT STORM ON THE HORIZON. Storms are erupting on many fronts. 2024 will put a demand on people to rise to a higher stature in character, fortitude, and maturity. God is now asking His Body, as He asked Jeremiah: CAN YOU RUN WITH THE HORSES? Jeremiah was complaining to God about the wickedness in the land and why was God allowing evil to prosper. God didn’t answer his complaint… instead He asked Jeremiah if he was ready and able to rise to the challenge of the hour.
“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you CONTEND with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5
Footmen are ones who serve, I believe these footmen are the hosts of wickedness of Ephesians 6:12, the foot soldiers of the demonic realm. We have been learning and training over the years to overcome them and drive them out. The horses represent the Powers that are supporting these foot soldiers. These horsemen are demonic and evil they are galloping ferociously toward humanity. I believe the fourth horseman of Revelation 6 has been released through Islam which is a cult of death.
“So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:8
To contend or compete with these horses is to have our spiritual capacity stretched and challenged. It is to dig deep to find the River of Life in us and begin to move and function in greater dimensions of Christ than we have known previously.
We are about to be greatly challenged by circumstances and will have to be ready to gird up our loins to contend with the horses and run against as Elijah did. With God, we are well able! The hour will test what we are made of. It is time to function at a higher or heightened spiritual capacity. The strengths of our foundations will be revealed.
Those with big talk will be required to back up their words with action. Both the hypocrite and the wolf will be exposed. The trial of the hour will uncover our strengths and foundations established in Christ over the years. Our inner potential in Christ WILL RISE TO THE OCCASION, be released, and be demonstrated. God’s word has been released that we are TO LEAVE OUR DRESSING ROOMS. The time of preparation and beautifying of the Bride is over!
As I was thinking about the Journey, I have been on with Him, I heard God say, YOU HAVE COME TO A SHARP TURN ON THE JOURNEY. The world has taken a sudden shift into war, I believe this is directly related to the Sharp Turn we are taking and the Perfect Storm on the horizon! Evil is flooding the earth, and war fever is sweeping through nations as they position themselves for war.
God is saying I am calling up my reserves. A reserve makes themselves available when called. The reserves are now being called up in Israel. A 95-year-old man recently reported for duty in Israel. The war in Israel and everything happening now is a sign that we are moving into the war God has been preparing us for. The Armies of God are going to war!
Leaders are emerging through whom God will lead His armies. It has become urgent for leaders to gather and mobilize in unity for the future, to commandeer the troops. This will be a time when we will need to be at the top of our game whether we are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, or foot soldiers in the army of God. God removed Moses for Joshua to arise and take his place in a time of war. God told Elijah to anoint Elisha in his place. Times have shifted and leadership is shifting for this era. Leaders will now emerge who have been prepared for this hour, through whom God will lead His people.
GOD IS RELYING ON HIS APOSTOLIC LEADERS TO OPEN THEIR MOUTHS. This is the time for everyone to step up and shine to be who God created you to be. The things God has prepared for us to do are too important. It is time to trust the voice of the Lord that is resident in us. Raise our voices with boldness like a trumpet and declare the will of Almighty God.
Today women in Israel are all called up to serve in the Israeli Defense Force and are mobilizing. This is another sign to the Body of Christ that women of God are called to serve in some aspect of the army in preparation for the great battles ahead. In our present day, God is releasing a multitude of women who will be moving with power, signs, and wonders as ambassadors of His Kingdom. Deborah is a forerunner and prototype of a host of women who are God’s secret weapons, held in reserve for the last days! Many daughters have been hearing the Lord say to them:
“You are my battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you, I will destroy kingdoms…” Jeremiah 51:20
God has always reserved daughters at key moments of history to serve His purposes. Deborah rallied the armies of Israel to battle at a time when because of sin, they were incapable of mobilizing into a cohesive force in a united campaign against the enemy. A woman’s voice and position of authority is being now restored in its fullness of authority to intercede, to decree, to legislate in the spiritual realms, and to occupy till He comes! The Breaker comes to break the amniotic sac for the travail to begin.
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. ALL THESE ARE THE BEGINNING OF BIRTH PAINS. Matthew 24:6
The water initiates the labour pains and comes to facilitate the birth. When the water breaks contractions follow. Out of your wombs Rivers of living water are now being released by the Holy Spirit. It was on the Last and Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus made that statement. It is not a coincidence that the Hamas Attack also came on the Last Great Day of Tabernacles. I believe Hamas attacked the Womb of the Woman Israel. It is said they beheaded babies cut open a pregnant Jewish woman’s belly and killed the child. They attacked the womb to prevent the child from being born. What the enemy meant to be the greatest of evil and atrocity, God will use against him to birth and bring forth the Birthing of the Man Child—the Sons of God, will not be stopped, the will of God cannot be hindered.
“And the dragon crouched before the woman who was about to give birth—poised to DEVOUR THE BABY the moment it was born.” And she brought forth a MAN CHILD, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to His throne. Revelation 12:4-5 TPT
We have arrived at an incredible and significant time in history—the birthing the Man Child—a corporate man of the stature of Christ in union with Christ! The World Made a Sharp Turn after Yom Kippur with the attack by Hamas 50 years after the Yom Kippur war. This marked a notable change in the direction of World Events. After this, we saw war break out in Israel. Rage has erupted on the world scene. The nations are in turmoil. As dark as it may seem this is the preparation for the Power of God to be revealed; for the Light of God to Shine. In this hour we are also called to travail with the Holy Spirit to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus to show up in our gatherings, in our cities, and in our nations! Women are being released to initiate the travail to bring forth and release Christ. God will once again flood the earth with the Light of Christ.
Steps to stay on top to function at your highest spiritual capacity.
- Be firm about your boundaries. Your time, your money, your relationships, your spirituality, your righteousness.
- Find the Rest of God—the supernatural place in Him where you are at peace.
- Choose carefully with whom you are aligned.
- Stay healthy and strong, exercise, and eat well. (Monica)
- Assemble regularly and gather with those who are like-minded.
- Follow wise discerning leaders who understand the times and are being led by the Holy Spirit.
- Embrace moving in the supernatural within a Spiritual dynamic.
- Eat the Word of God; it will be your strength and the means of God’s direction.
- Think critically: God moves outside of logic, yet everything He does will make perfect sense when understood, and be perfectly logical. His ways are higher …from a dimension that is beyond ours. …places we can only traverse with the Holy Spirit. Unless you learn to think critically you won’t make it through these times as THE WAR IS OVER WHO CONTROLS THE NARRATIVE…who is controlling the story!
- Hold to your beliefs. Those who control the story capture the minds of the people who are easily swayed. This is why God says whoever doubts is like the wave that is tossed to and fro…and that man receives nothing. Let our yes be yes, and our no, no. We cannot stay in the place of wavering between two opinions… (1Kings 18:21). We have to make a stand for what we believe and not be moved or shaken.
- And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15
- When in doubt go back to the Word of God and the Spiritual foundations of the Kingdom.
- When another opinion is being presented to you, begin with God! What does He say about this?
- In order to think critically and remain standing, our emotions must be submitted to the Lord as the enemy always approaches from an emotional track, to grab at people’s heartstrings, like a snake pulling the unsuspecting into his trap. It’s amazing how so many sheep do not question things presented. They quickly accept the narrative and go along being emotionally driven…possibly to fulfill an inner need to be thought well of…to be liked—the respectable Christian nice guy. Jesus overturned tables and confronted the hypocrisy of the Pharisees—He is not Mr. Nice Guy. He is The Lion of Judah. The book of Revelations talks about the wrath of the Lamb that is coming.
- Ask questions and more importantly ask the Holy Spirit. Without clinging to your own beliefs…expect answers. Don’t be vague, be intentional, your life and destiny depend on it.
- Be ready always to lay down your opinions at the feet of Jesus no matter the cost is to you.
The people of God have been made ready for this Moment. The sons of God will arise moving in supernatural power. They will be grounded, rooted, and established by Almighty God to stand in the stature of Christ with the virtues of Christ. Their individual spheres have been prepared and structured in which to shine, fully equipped to change atmospheres and bring forth life and solutions. They will be rooted in their spheres and will not be shaken by world events, or be removed by man, beasts, or demons as God dwells mightily in them.
“You have made a sharp turn you will now see and experience things you have longed for but also new things I have kept reserved for you that you know not of. You have been made ready and qualified by Me. Do not say, I cannot speak, or write or that is too big, beyond my abilities. Yes, it is Big. Big things are coming forth now. The era of BIG has arrived! Everything is BIG in Heaven because I am a very BIG God. When I move, I do things in a Big way. I moved millions of people out of Egypt in one Day! I destroyed the city of Jericho in a moment. One of my angels destroyed an army killing 80,000. The time has come and I am mobilizing my armies in Heaven and on Earth for big things. Israel is a sign that my armies are on the move. The world is prepared for the Bride of Christ to now shine in the midst of gross darkness. Yes a perfect storm is on the horizon, but you were created for such a time as this, for this moment of history. Ensure that your lamps are full of oil and that your faith is rooted and anchored in My Love and My Power. You will walk through the gauntlet with me as your ever-present and surrounding shield—the wall of fire that protects you and guards My purposes in you. I have invested much in you for this momentous day. Never doubt that My Presence is with you. I am with you always.”