The Winds of change are now ushering in a season of shock and awe, reflecting the intensifying battle between Light and darkness, as the veil between Heaven and Earth gets thinner. The fear of the Lord will be prevalent in
While spending time with the Lord I sensed Him saying, “Beware of the quality of foundation that you are building! Will it, or can it carry the weight of the superstructure you are intending to build—your ministry, church, your business?”
God is now working to bring His House back from the counterfeit to the authentic, where all Babylonian, systems and influences are being cleansed from His House. It is important that we understand we are an integral part of God’s
“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; The New Moon signified initiated a new
I recently wrote a prophetic message centered on the concept of becoming a Golden Conduit for the Glory of God. Following its publication, I received a divine prompting to delve deeper into this revelation. The Lord impressed upon me the
My triumphant ones were created to become the Golden Pipes—the Conduit from which the golden anointing Oil flows to embrace humanity with My Glory. They are conduits fashioned from the pure gold of My Substance, possessing no dross or mixture. The Gold
The Body of Christ has been on a journey—a transcendent path in God’s work of separating a people to Himself. Central to this Divine work is the principle of separation and consecration, a distinct feature aimed at shaping a people
The message of the significance of Israel is foundational to the end-time structure God is building that He will return to! In these times of the summing up of all things the focus will be foundations and leadership. God intends
In preparation for the coming of the Lord on the Day of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is doing a purging and cleansing work with Fire on churches, peoples, and regions where His Glory will rest. This has been a
I have been teaching and talking for decades about the time of UNTIL —representing the season when the trajectory of the Divine Plan turns once again to Israel for the conclusion and climax of history (Rom. 11:25).
Amid the ongoing complexities surrounding Israel and the Palestinians, a web of misinformation has woven a deceptive narrative throughout the world. In tackling this subject let’s begin with Jesus! Jesus is Jewish! He was born in Israel, fulfilling the word of prophecy.
I heard the Lord say that there is A PERFECT STORM ON THE HORIZON. Storms are erupting on many fronts. 2024 will put a demand on people to rise to a higher stature in character, fortitude, and maturity. God is
The Lord has been highlighting the understanding that to discern accurately and prophetically, it is important to distinguish between personal and corporate, national and global prophetic perspectives and realities. Many prophetic voices appear to sometimes contradict each other as they
In 2022, a prophecy was given regarding “Fires of Awakening coming to the East Coast of America. The Lord then showed another prophet in Florida, the Angel of Awakening stepping on the shores of Florida, and when he did, a fire ignited and ran up the eastern
“For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.” Galatians 6:15
The Israel of God is the Ark
We have entered a season where the path God has prepared before us is holy ground. Those who choose to continue on the journey with the Lord in this new season ahead are presently being consecrated and set apart as holy
As a backdrop to this article, I would like to share a related revelation the Lord gave me 25 years ago. After the Flood, God moved the world from a diet of fruits and vegetables to a diet that for
It is becoming increasingly important to possess an understanding of timings in the movements of God as seen over history. My new book The Lord of Armies provides a broad overview of this seen through the lens of the history of Mystery
In the last word I published, I spoke about needing a fresh revelation of the magnified LORD showing that He Is a Holy God Who is Mighty In Power! I shared that in the Bible, the Lord is called by
Our Commander in Chief—the Lord Jesus Christ, is in full possession of the Divine strategy to rescue the world as He did the first time that He came to earth. Before He returns, He will be coming to rescue, through
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…” 1Peter 2:9
Every child of God that now is, or
There is a Kingdom system presently in operation at the back of all things, having governance over the universe. As earthly systems presently collapse, Heaven’s Kingdom system never fails as it is eternal! God’s heavenly system is perpetually upheld by
Over the past few decades, there has been a heart to see God take hold of our nations, and sometimes a striving to initiate Revival and Awakening! At one time, I felt that the Lord was saying we were desiring to
In the attempt of the disciple, and faithful follower to capture or grasp the essence of the LORD, the words and concepts of Glory, majesty, goodness, and weight usually come to mind. Yet even these words seem to fall short
Jesus is the Ascended One. After His Resurrection He was seen visibly ascending into Heaven where he took His seat on the Throne with the Father. In John 3:13 Jesus informed us that no one except Himself has ascended into
Joshua and Caleb were both bold and courageous leaders. These two men were beloved by God—kings in the Kingdom of God. They were unique and different. Both loved and trusted God and found great incredible favor with God. They were
I heard the Lord say the word for the hour is “BE READY!” I then heard Him say the word “FORTIFY! Both these words build upon each other, as to be ready is to be fortified. God is clearly giving
The great journey, commencing with Moses leading the Exodus out of Egypt that will ultimately concluding with the return of Jesus, encompassed three pivotal milestones, each signified by God through God’s sacred Feasts. In the initial month of the Biblical
All things and every person created by God are fashioned as unique creations. Some may choose to become copies of others, but everyone is created by God as exceptional, uniquely crafted for their purpose. What flows from our lives, comes
In the days of the judges when Israel would continually fall back into sin they would be defeated by their enemies. When Deborah was raised up by God to be the Judge over Israel, the people of God had abandoned the precepts
I Am Calling for Another Great Movement of Return!
Hear O Israel! Hear My people! Hear the sound of My voice, hear the sound of My heartbeat calling you home! Hear and hearken. Storms are gathering, and nefarious
Israel stands today as a testimony to the existence of Yahweh, the Living God of all Creation. Israel was brought forth as God’s prophet nation that spoke the Word of God through their prophets and their history to the nation
This year, Israel celebrates 75 years of its Independence as a nation, after close to two thousand years of dispersion following the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by the Romans! In 2023, beginning on May 7th, Five million people globally,
In Part I of Prophetic Insights for 2023, we delved into a discussion about the first three horsemen as outlined in Revelation 6. I firmly believe that we are presently living in this prophetic timeframe. The last horseman we addressed
I once saw a movie called Behind Enemy Lines that God used to give me insight into the heart of a true general and the heart of the Father. In it, a soldier has left behind enemy lines with only a walkie-talkie to communicate
Recently I have been hearing the words in my spirit: “FOR THE SET TIME, TO FAVOR HER HAS COME.” God sets the timing for favor to be released according to His purposes for specific seasons. The body of Christ is
In the years ahead we will see the Harvest break free from its imprisonment to blindness, and the year of the Favor of the Lord breaks the saints free into the fullness of their Call and destiny. The world is
Before we talk about the present, the future and what now lies before us, an apprehension of the spiritual dynamics of the past and what has brought us to this day is an absolute necessity to accurately interpret future spiritual
The Book of Esther contains certain keys that provide revelation to help us in our understanding of the flow of events in the end times. King Ahasuerus, in the third year of his reign, gave two feasts. The first banquet
Throughout the Bible, God employed the use of numbers to express spiritual truths, to mark and direct us to notable events on Heaven’s trajectory of movement up to Jerusalem and the future Reign of Christ. Certain numbers have been revealed