In a recent revelation, the Lord spoke to me, saying, “I am bringing forth My Executive Branch for this Hour, those who have paid the cost and willingly given themselves over to My will.” As I reflected on this powerful
I believe we are living in the notable season of the wrapping up of this age. The age that precedes the coming reign of Christ on earth. The time when the powers of heaven are being shaken, and when everything
Canada’s Call, Destiny, and Mandate is far beyond what has been understood or imagined! It includes the High Call to build with Christ the end-time Sanctuary for His dwelling—a work that lays the groundwork for the time and season that
Recently during a very intimate time with the Lord, where, in the spirit, I envisioned myself bowed low at His feet—a position that I love and am most comfortable with, I heard the voice of the Lord say in a
(This image is a vision the Lord gave regarding Canada recorded in my book Canada’s Divine Mandate. See Below)
The Nation of Canada has been given an Apostolic call to be a builder for the end-time purposes of God. Canada
The Winds of change are now ushering in a season of shock and awe, reflecting the intensifying battle between Light and darkness, as the veil between Heaven and Earth gets thinner. The fear of the Lord will be prevalent in
While spending time with the Lord I sensed Him saying, “Beware of the quality of foundation that you are building! Will it, or can it carry the weight of the superstructure you are intending to build—your ministry, church, your business?”
God recently spoke to me from a prophetic word I wrote in my Devotional book: Word to the Warrior. The title of the chapter was Will You Ride:
Will you run with the horses? Will you embrace the Wind of
When Donald Trump won the election In 2016, the words reset and reprieve were being released in many prophetic spheres. Before that election the Lord said to me, the word Reprieve, and revealed that D.J.T. would be the next president of the United States. I checked the
In the spring of 2023, Apostle Lynn Wambolt suddenly received a command from the Lord. He said to her, “I want a coronation, and I want a crown”. The Lord wanted to be crowned King of Canada and commissioned a crown
Our Ministry will now be launching an initiative based on God’s command to build His House called Yahweh’s House Master Builder’s Academy. While preparing for the Course, I heard the Lord say the words, “Your Mission, should you choose to accept it,” I
Solomon was chosen as the one to build the Father’s House for the Glory of His great Name and is a picture in type of Jesus, the Son of God. Over time, because of sin, disobedience, and idolatry, the people
In Matthew 11:14, Jesus said that if His people were willing to accept it, John the Baptist was Elijah who was to come. He then followed with the statement, “He who has ears to hear let him hear.” Jesus is
When Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to the throne, He laid the groundwork for His disciples and followers to begin to build Yahweh’s House patterned after His Mind, Heart, all His attributes and His Life. In the early Church,
I have been speaking about Canada in a specific way regarding a specific Call that the nation carries. However, this present word is again for the Apostolic generation that prepares the way for Christ.
Canada has a unique destiny in
As I shared in a recent message, God has been preparing A VOICE in Canada for this decade of the voice—a generation that represents the Voice of the Lord in the time of the summing up of all things in
The Holy Spirit is right now brooding over the nation of Canada, and over all His people. He is breathing over them to birth them into the Glory of God. He will breathe His Breath to release His Divine life
Canada is a nation reserved by God for Glory, for a special work in the last days—brought forth, birthed, and established to serve Almighty God for the closing of the ages. Canada’s Call is to give testimony and evidence of the King of
God is now moving a people progressively out of an old dynamic to position them within a new paradigm where they will be anchored in strength, wisdom and understanding, greater faith and greater Glory. His question to us is, “Do
As Abraham sent His servant to find a bride for Isaac, God has sent the Holy Spirit to find and prepare a Bride for His Son. This is the decade of the Bride reaching maturity—the year the Bride has made herself
So David inquired of the LORD, saying, \”Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?\” And the LORD said to David, \”Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.\” So David
On Rosh Hashanah, September 25th we entered the Jewish New Year of 5783. Over this Feast season through Yom Kippur and Sukkot, we are transitioning into a very significant period of world history that will be very volatile. In 2020,
John the Baptist is described in Isaiah 40:3 as the VOICE of one crying, sent to prepare the way of the Lord! When he was asked by the priests if he was Elijah or a prophet, he said no! When
There are three global spiritual movements of gargantuan proportions that are presently underway. First is the rising prominence of the kingdom of darkness, their evil agenda, and attempts to establish a New World Order. The second is the long-awaited Great
The altar built on worship and praise by those who serve God connects directly to the Throne of God creating a supernatural spiritual portal of power through which angels ascend and descend on Christ in us, positioned in our praise.
The Word of God tells us that the Lord, He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Over the last two months, the Lord has been revealing that there is a prepared people who are approaching the finishing
Recently the Lord said to me, I am bringing forth my Executive Branch for this Hour, ones who have paid the cost and willingly given themselves over to My will.
I went digging to get an understanding of the Executive
Recently I have been hearing the words in my spirit: “FOR THE SET TIME, TO FAVOR HER HAS COME.” God sets the timing for favor to be released according to His purposes for specific seasons. The body of Christ is
Throughout history, the wreckage over nations—the mark of the ancient spirit of Empire, is seen in the havoc it has wreaked through a multitude of wars over the Earth, with two world wars in the twentieth century. This spirit invaded
Before we talk about the present, the future and what now lies before us, an apprehension of the spiritual dynamics of the past and what has brought us to this day is an absolute necessity to accurately interpret future spiritual
I recently took some time off to fast and pray through the Fall Feasts on the Jewish Calendar, to hear from the Lord regarding a shift I sensed would be coming after the Feasts—and how to be positioned for it!
In previous words that I have published, I have emphasized the importance of understanding the dichotomy of light and darkness, as I find that there is a tendency to emphasize either the glory side of things and the authority given
The Book of Esther contains certain keys that provide revelation to help us in our understanding of the flow of events in the end times. King Ahasuerus, in the third year of his reign, gave two feasts. The first banquet
Throughout the Bible, God employed the use of numbers to express spiritual truths, to mark and direct us to notable events on Heaven’s trajectory of movement up to Jerusalem and the future Reign of Christ. Certain numbers have been revealed
In recent words that I have written, I shared about the coming Jewish Shmita year beginning on Rosh Hashanah September 6th 2021-2022. This was to be a Sabbath year of rest but was also a year when slaves were released
In the New Testament, in almost every letter written to His Church, God is referred to as “the God of peace.” When we are saved and become a child of God through our belief in Jesus, we not only receive ‘peace
“All this is from God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And He has committed to
I was recently awakened in the middle of the night with a burning question in my heart: What would the apostle Paul and the disciples do in the situations that believers are now faced with in Canada, the United States
Men and women in union of mind and heart, in agreement with God, carry the seed of Elohim. The fullness of the Plan of God usually comes first to us in Seed form, infused with the DNA of God, where the
God has been preparing His people for this notable hour of history as the containers and dispensers of His life and His goodness. He has been pouring in the treasures of His Word and soaking us in the anointing of