This word is written for women but is an important word for all!
A woman’s voice of authority is now being released in fullness to have impact and to affect change in the spiritual and natural realms. The muzzle has been removed from a woman’s voice to decree the word of the Lord for such a time as this! Women have suffered thousands of years of imprisonment to demonic mind-sets. In western nations however, it has been only within the last century that true freedom and equality has begun to enter the lives of women on a large scale. This has been timed and purposed by God for a few reasons.
Resident within a woman is a force unique to her, that in God’s hand becomes an effective and powerful weapon—a weapon He has kept reserved and restricted and brought out for appointed times of history. This force is nothing but the Lion of the tribe of Judah released through the peculiar passion unique to women, depicted in Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This force when harnessed in corporate woman, and released through union and agreement, becomes an explosive dunamis power—reserved by God for this notable hour of history. I believe God has allowed women to be restricted to a degree because the force of corporate woman if unleashed before its time—before it can be harnessed, directed and controlled by God through humility, submission and obedience—could bring harm to His precious daughters and hinder His unfolding plan.
The word harness means: to bring into conditions for effective use, as in – to harness the energy of the sun, or to harness water for electricity ( A harness is the bridle of a horse, used to restrain the power of the horse, and train and direct its movements. God prepares his daughters for work in the ministry of God by training them in submission and the surrender of their wills for His glory and the fulfillment of His plans. A wild stallion trained under the loving hands of his master, learns to become one with him, understanding the whisper of his voice, the nuances of his gentle nudges and the guidance in his movements. Through the training, a mutual love and trust between horse and Master is developed. Wildness and rebellion is harnessed by love. the stallion becomes a portrait of majesty and will surrendered in adoration.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye. do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.” Psalm 32:8-9
God is presently removing from His daughters the bridle of religion, ancient mind-sets against women, and the error and lies planted by the enemy. However He is bridling his daughters in a Harness named The Choice of Submitted Life—a life surrendered and yoked to him in His eternal love.
An army being prepared for the harvest fields
Everything taking place right now in every sphere, in politics, economics, weather and in society, is setting the stage for the release of the greatest harvest of souls in all of history. All the saints of God are in preparation mode for this great event, as God does a deep cleansing work in the hearts of His people to clear it of all rebellion to His Word and to His Will. Churches and Ministries are being re-fashioned to meet the challenges of the great influx of souls into the Kingdom as creative and innovative strategies are released from Heaven to receive and embrace them.
The release of the Harvest will affect and reform all aspects of life. The rising levels of offense, hatred and division we are seeing in the world right now is the evidence of the intensity of demonic resistance to the loss of souls they will suffer. A woman’s voice and position of authority is being now restored in its fullness to fight, to decree, to legislate in the spiritual realms and to occupy till He comes!
The training is tough and sometimes severe because the Call is so Great
I understand very well the training and preparation necessary for the Call. When I first got saved 25 years ago I wore the crown of rebellion. In the first church I became a part of—being ignorant of God’s Word and His ways—I told the Pastor in passing that I didn’t like listening to anyone, that if my father told me to do something I would do the opposite. I am sure he was groaning loudly in spirit! Over the years the training was intense and severe as God molded me and taught me His ways. I could not see it, but could feel His hedge around me. I was restricted in a Holy Ghost trap and could not escape His love or His discipline. In my rebellion to the restraints placed on me, God reminded me of the story of Helen Keller\’s wild and unruly behaviour. I remembered that she was taken out to the cottage in the back to live alone with her teacher for a time of intense training. Through tears I remembered how she became a well-known author, lecturer and political activist who campaigned for women’s suffrage (Wikipedia).
I then read a little book describing the care of a shepherd for his sheep. The author described the behaviour of rebellious sheep that refused to obey its master’s voice. These sheep kept wandering off on their own, opening themselves to the attack of wolves. After a time of grace, if the sheep continued to disobey, the shepherd would break its leg. He would then carry the sheep and hold him very close until it was healed—after the sheep would never stray again.
What does rebellion look like in the saints? It looks like the choice to stay offended, lack of love, stubbornness, control, hypocrisy, backbiting, contentiousness, unwillingness to yield and to get along, pride and arrogance, and a desire to “cast off restraint.” Sometimes in His incredible love, because of our hardheadedness God may have to take extreme measures to get through to us, or to allow life to teach us some hard lessons. In His great love God is always working on our behalf, for our protection and for training to be effective servants and leaders in His kingdom.
In the Bible, Jacob was known to be a deceiver who manipulated to get his own way. In a strange encounter with God in Genesis 32:25-28, it tells us that Jacob wrestled with God all night. God touched the socket of his hip and it became out of joint.
“Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said,”I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed.”
In the struggle to surrender our very strong wills to the Lord He gives us a new name—we become Israel Prince with God! I once heard a message preached on The Limp, where the speaker admonished us to never trust anyone who didn’t walk with a limp—of course he was speaking in the spirit, of one who walks before the Lord in brokenness and humility. This is the man or woman God can trust!
We have been called to live in an hour of extremes in the world, a volatile season in which God is requiring us to come forth in maturity. This means we must give up the fight, stop resisting God and His Word, and begin to resist the devil through a life of holiness, \”I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless\” (Gen. 17:1). God has deposited a great treasure in each one who belongs to him. It is now time for that treasure to come forth and shine!
Giving Birth To The Mighty Thing!
God has been speaking to me recently through the picture of an elephant’s pregnancy. God got my attention when within one week I encountered the message of the elephant three times. A story was posted on social media in which a dog was comparing his pregnancy to an elephant’s. The dog became pregnant and gave birth many times, while the elephant did not. Finally, the dog asks the elephant why she wasn’t giving birth? To which the elephant replied, “There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. What I am carrying is mighty and great!”
God, has impregnated his Body with His Son—He is the Lion of Judah, not an elephant or a human. God has been patiently waiting for the day when His Bride would be ready to give birth. When this Lion hits the ground, the earth will shake! Nations will stop to look and behold. The world will turn to see this great thing covered in the Shekinah Glory of God! What the Body of Christ is carrying is Mighty and Great! This birth will not happen until God gives the word, until He sees a Body free of rebellion and personal agenda, until He sees the surrendered will laid down before him as a gift—then He will announce the word and a multitude of women will deliver it:
“The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng: \”Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder. Even while you sleep among the sheep pens, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers with shining gold…The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.”
Of course, this is the heritage of all sons and daughters, this message is true for both, but this word is highlighting the daughters of God for a present move underway. God is sounding a trumpet for His daughters to come forth in the Spirit of humility and a surrendered life to birth His Son in the earth—let the earth tremble at the Presence of the Lord!
(There was no author given for the anecdote of the elephant, and I pray that whoever wrote it and sees this word is blessed by it.)