Yahweh's House
Master Builder Course
Yahweh's House Master Builder Academy
Building the House God Designed For His Glory!
Attention all Frontline Servants of God: You are invited to participate in fashioning the Blueprint of Yahweh's House! for the Season of end of the Age.
Over a period of many decades, Faith Marie Baczko received revelation and impartations from the Lord of the Blueprint Yahweh desires to be represented in the completing work of the Sanctuary He will occupy. These facets and features, He intends to have restored, built and established. Father God is now trumpeting the message to His servants that it is time to build! God has begun the work to build a New Wineskin for Himself, Blueprinted in Christ for Christ at His return—a Holy habitation in which He will dwell with His people. This Sanctuary is structured with a distinct framework, special features and various facets of His being that this important Course will cover
Take the opportunity to participate in this notable Master Builder’s Course being offered for such a time as this!
Become equipped to partner with Him in this transcendent work!
Our Team of Leaders
Leaders and specialists, Gifted to bring forth the revelation the various Facets.
More on Apostle Faith
More on Apostle Nikita
Pastor Rhonda McLeod
More on Pastor Rhonda
More on Sharon Dean
More on Pastor Phyllis
More on Pastor Mary
More on Apostle Carol
Pastor Lillian Brown
More on Lillian
Masterbuilder Course
This Course is designed to provide a foundational blueprint for Yahweh’s House and impart knowledge of key features of this Holy Place. Over a period of many decades, Faith Marie Baczko received revelation and understanding of the Blueprint Yahweh desires to be represented in the completing work of His House—the final and closing phase referred to in scripture as the Headstone (Zech. 4:7).
Our expert team of Apostolic Leaders, each a specialist in their field, are both anointed and exceptional. They will address seven key facets of the House of God that He desires to have restored and established in this season of history.
This is a one year Course covering seven Modules—one Module presented each week.
COURSE: 8 Modules, 7 Sessions each
LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year and ongoing
TIME: Each Thursday night @ 7 PM EST we will Feature one Facet. You can register to join at anytime as the previous recordings will be made available to you!
FEE: A Monthly offering in the amount of your choice as an investment into this initiatve.
TOPICS: Each Module represents a foundational facet of Christ He intends to secure in the Headstone Sanctuary that receives Him at His return. Collectively they form the New Wineskin representing Christ in His fullness—a Wineskin into which He will pour His Life and fill it with Glory. Its key features are:
1. APOSTOLIC TRANSITIONAL LEADERSHIP: Historic shifts call for exceptional Leaders to arise. Leaders are being prepared and called forth for these times as God moves to shift the world to a new dynamic represented by the Kingdom of God! Transitioning from one Era to another will involve a complex and multifaceted dynamic that will shape the course of history. This module will discuss the Call to Transitional Leadership that prepares the way for Christ and the Kingdom Age!
Instructor: Faith Marie Baczko & Lillian Brown: Apostolic Teachers
2. THE ISRAEL OF GOD: Israel, as the body fashioned for Christ at His first coming, became the Centre, the kingpin upon which all other facets hang. Within the entity that is Israel—the Ark prepared for mankind, lies the Blueprint of Christ that holds and reveals both the beginning and the end of the counsels of God that work to prepare His way. We will bring revelation of this Blueprint in this Module.
Instructor: Faith Marie Baczko: Apostolic Teacher, Seer
3.THE HEADSTONE: The Headstone exemplifies Governance and God’s Apostolic Arm of Leadership who will work with Him to prepare His way. It depicts the Most Holy place of the Tabernacle where God resides. This Module delves into the Heart of God for purity as it is the pure in heart who see God and the dynamic of preparing His way!
Instructor: Phyllis Kelissi, Pastor, Teacher
4. THE HEALING: The Father desires to have a clean House built upon the precepts of God, washed in the Blood through repentance. He intends to remove the wounds, traumas, and strongholds in the soul of His Bride, to bring her forth without spot or wrinkle. We are called to be holy as He is Holy—this means we cannot willingly entertain sin in our lives. This module expands on these truths along with practical application of prayer to remove the roots of iniquity.
Instructor: Sharon Dean: Teacher, Spiritual Counselor
5. THE ARISING ARMY: Jesus is the Commander of the Armies of God in Heaven and on Earth. The Battle for dominion of the Earth and mankind continues and will escalate until Jesus returns to end the Great War. He must have an apostolic people who understand their identity in Him and the high call of serving Him as warriors, called to the frontlines of the battlefield for the Climax of the Ages. This module will cover the dynamic of the Army of God that wars to prepare His way.
Instructor: Nikita Robinson: Apostle, Teacher
6. THE WOMEN: God created women in His image! Such women are being called forth and released to the forefront to shine in this notable chapter of the Greatest Story ever told. It is important for leaders and the Body to understand that a vast company of women is being called forth and released to birth significant, strategic and specific purposes, directly related to the completing work in Christ that works to prepare His way.
Instructor: Mary Di Paolo Nero: Pastor, Prophetic Teacher
7. THE WARFARE: Jesus is referred to in scripture as a Man of War. He is Lord Sabaoth who leads His armies into battle. To be victorious God’s people must therefore yield to His command and understand the strategies and tactics of the Warfare of Heaven. Heavenly strategies of spiritual warfare, for this hour. Warfare will be ramping up to another level; strategies directed by the Holy Spirit, will be critical to victory to meet the challenges of the battles ahead.
Instructor: Rhonda McLeod: Prophet, Prayer Director
This Course is revelatory and life-transforming! Eyes will be opened to see what may have not been seen or perceived before.
Join our growing Community. You can register to join at anytime as all previous recording will be made available to you!
START DATE: Thursday October 17th 2024
WHERE: Online Weekly Zoom meetings
FEE: A Monthly Investment of an amount of your choice
If you have any questions please contact us: builders@faithmariebaczko.ca