BABYLON WILL FALL! “Come Out of Her!”
When spending time in the Lord’s Presence, very often He will shine His light on a single word that with insight becomes a revelation He desires I take note of. A few weeks ago, this was the case with the word collusion. I did not think it significant until I checked the definition, it means: a conspiracy, especially in order to deceive others. What arrested my attention however, was the sentence in which the word was used as an example: ‘A collusion between media and political leaders.’ I was greatly taken aback as during the period of the campaign for the presidential election and the period since Donald Trump won the election until now, I have been observing the coverage of the media. As I watch events take place, and take note of how the various main stream media covers it, I have noticed, as most discerning people have, that the coverage of Donald Trump is extremely negative, biased and antagonistic; clearly revealing an aggressive agenda to take him down at all costs—this is true especially of CNN! I knew God was speaking to me!
As I sought the Lord for understanding, I heard the words, “I want an exposé.” In our prayer meetings, we have consistently prayed that God would expose all lies, deceit and corruption, something He has faithfully been doing over the past year, but I sensed an exposé meant something more to Him! I checked the word and discovered that it meant: the act of bringing a scandal or crime to public notice; an article or statement that unmasks or discloses a scandal. The word article stood out and knew immediately that the Lord wanted an article exposing what I had seen and learned regarding the agenda of the media. My first thought was that I don’t possess any evidence, but I heard the Lord say, you have what you have seen!
Fair and balanced people will have also seen what I have seen, however, as I have been watching and studying this with careful observation, but more importantly with spiritual insight and understanding, I would like to share my thoughts. Before I do so however, I would like to set the stage by laying a spiritual foundation to what is now taking place as seen through world events. It begins with the tale of two cities!
A Tale of Two Cities
It is not possible in an article to reveal the depths of this revelation, I therefore begin with the core truth revealed in the Bible that there exists two spiritual cities to which everyone belongs—to either one or the other. These two cities are JERUSALEM and BABYLON. In the Bible Babylon is referred to as MYSTERY BABYLON and encompasses all that is not founded on the Kingdom of God, or built on the Rock that is Christ. JERUSALEM on the other hand is THE CITY OF GOD, it encompasses all that is founded on the ROCK that is CHRIST, referred to as the Bride of Christ in the book of Revelations! The foundations of the City of Jerusalem have been laid in Christ in Israel—the nation chosen to represent God, and through whom God has implemented His Divine plan of Redemption on Earth! EVERYONE is now invited to enter this City through the Gate of Christ—the Son of God born on Earth as a Son of Israel. It is vital to our spiritual health to be able to discern between these two cities, understand their characteristics and functions, as they presently co-exist in the spiritual realm around us.
JERUSALEM is characterized by passionate love for God, full submission to the Will of God, His precepts, and His ways. BABYLON on the other hand can be characterized in various degrees, by a despising of God, rebellion to His Will, and rejection of His precepts and His ways. Babylon exalts itself in pride above God and wants nothing to do with God! God is described in many ways in the Bible—as Holy, as a Consuming Fire and the EVERLASTING FATHER. He also describes Himself as the God of Patience, and because of His intense love for humanity, He is great in longsuffering, giving much time for repentance.
God is also known as the God who “…changes times and seasons.” HISTORY IS HIS-STORY, CRAFTED TOWARD A CERTAIN END AND FORETOLD AS PROPHECY IN HIS WORD—THE BIBLE. God works to change and move His-story towards His end, through the prayers and intercession of His people, as they draw close and submit to His desires! Accurate and correct intelligence from the Lord and from sound sources, is vital to our intercession. Prevailing intercession is essential to combat the devil’s agenda! It is imperative to note that intercession that gets results must be characterized by humility, integrity, be void of control and all attempts to direct the Lord according our will.
We now live in a momentous hour of History where God has moved in love, mercy and compassion, through the prayers and cries of His people ascending before His throne! The Intercession of a faithful people has united with the intercession of Christ in a move to halt an escalating SEASON OF REVOLT to the ways of God, unleashed through a spirit of rebellion observed on the world scene right now! With discernment, we see the spirit of these two Cities warring today in a clash of the two kingdoms! The spirit of Babylon is rising in our world and on the street of our cities as God draws the line distinguishing the two. In his book A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens reveals a measure of insight into this phenomenon:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…”
The rulers who are at the helm of the City of Babylon have an agenda that they are determined to see realized! These leaders comprised of the wealthiest of the world in collusion with the Liberalists, have the finances and the power to undergird their plans for Globalism, open borders, the undermining of the Judeo-Christian God and His precepts, and the promotion of a liberal worldview devoid of all restraints on morality! These Elites believe they are greater in wisdom than the masses, and are determined to gain full control through cunning, deceit and manipulation! Their plan is for the destabilization of nations and to gain the power and control necessary to implement their agenda for world dominion! Their purpose is to unleash a measured chaos through wars, immigration and open borders, riots, protests, and economic downturns. Such events all work to produce an outcome, in which the masses willingly submit to any means necessary to regain peace of mind. To implement their agenda, and with their great wealth, they are organized; they bribe and purchase Politicians, media executives, paid protestors, university professors, Hollywood and leaders who are at the helm of all spheres of society, who willingly present the narrative of their agenda through PROPAGANDA.
Propaganda is a powerful and extremely effective tool employed by these globalist, executed mainly through dishonest journalists and media executives—it is the deliberate spreading of information, ideas, or rumors, dispersed widely to create a negative narrative that harms a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. It is presently being used very effectively against President Donald J. Trump, his administration and his agenda to return the United States of America back to the honoring of God, its Judeo-Christian foundation and values, and to the rule of law. President Trump has surrounded himself with great Christian and conservative leaders, he has promised to eliminate the Johnson Amendment stifling the voice of the Church, and has chosen to stand and support the nation of Israel! The Globalist elites and the Liberals have presently lost control of their agenda with the Presidency of Donald Trump, this by the power of the Hand of God! They are enraged and desperate and are now employing devious and sinister measures to regain control!
What I have Seen!
As a person who has always been inclined to question everything I see and hear, who profoundly loves the truth and has searched it out diligently throughout my life, I am deeply disturbed by the deceptive media coverage of President Trump! I have observed the negativity, the mean-spiritedness and the anger displayed openly by the main stream media. I have watched repeatedly every show throughout the day on CNN and have observed how they employ methods for twisting information, distorting the truth to produce a narrative that Donald Trump is incompetent. They edit, cut and manipulate statements made by the President with the intention to besmirch and inflame the leftists. They repeatedly use deceptive flashing banner headlines to propagandize an incident or an event negatively, with the intent of conditioning the masses to a lie.
Over the past year, I would say 95% of their news regarding the Trump’s administration has been negative with the intent to damage his presidency and ultimately remove him! From early morning until late at night they pump out deceptive incendiary rhetoric to craft a false worldview of the Conservative party and the Trump administration! Anyone can observe this day in day out! The problem for those who love and want truth, is that if they are getting their news only from CNN and a large percentage of other sources of media, they are absorbing a twisted version of the truth and buying into the Great lie! It is refreshing to watch Fox News and get a fair perspective of the news.
The Babylonian left is now mobilizing rapidly in a devious campaign to regain control. They have hundreds of organizations nationwide in the United States that are marshaling to create the appearance of chaos in everything Donald Trump touches. There is a movement well underway through organizations such as Media Matters (please read their manual to stop Trump), Indivisible and the OFA—The Organization For Action, the brainchild of Barack Obama to protect his progressive platform. So far, they have 32,000 trained agitators and growing, with the sole purpose of sabotaging President Trump at every turn. Their tactics are fear, threats, violence and intimidation in the same manner that satan mobilized Goliath and the Philistine army against Israel. There is an army however, presently rising, whose faces are like lions; they have the heart of David and are ready to make a stand for the Kingdom of God. David, who had no fear, and was ready to go on the offensive, declared boldly:
“…who is this uncircumcised philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”…Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 1Samuel 17:26,45-46
God has graced us—His people, with a set time to complete a set agenda of His purposes, to RESET, TO TURN AROUND and RETURN to the Ancient Paths where the good way is, and to the foundations of Justice and Righteousness (Jer. 6:16). We cannot afford to squander one minute of this gift of mercy! On His heart is the Harvest and the cry now being trumpeted from Heaven is: “Come out of her, my people!” (Rev. 18:4). BABYLON WILL FALL AND HER IDOLS DESTROYED! This is a now season to wake up, to leave Babylon and to align ourselves with the Living God—the God of Glory and Victory!
“This is what the LORD says: “Tell the whole world, and keep nothing back. Raise a signal flag to tell everyone that BABYLON WILL FALL” Jeremiah 50:2
I have lost respect for CNN