Victory Over the Enemy and the Call to Action!
The last-day generation is called to be a sign and a wonder, a manifestation of God’s glory. These are people who have gone through the grave, risen in resurrection power and
In a recent revelation, the Lord spoke to me, saying, “I am bringing forth My Executive Branch for this Hour, those who have paid the cost and willingly given themselves over to My will.” As I reflected on this powerful
I believe we are living in the notable season of the wrapping up of this age. The age that precedes the coming reign of Christ on earth. The time when the powers of heaven are being shaken, and when everything
Canada’s Call, Destiny, and Mandate is far beyond what has been understood or imagined! It includes the High Call to build with Christ the end-time Sanctuary for His dwelling—a work that lays the groundwork for the time and season that
Recently during a very intimate time with the Lord, where, in the spirit, I envisioned myself bowed low at His feet—a position that I love and am most comfortable with, I heard the voice of the Lord say in a
From worship that is married to obedience coming from God’s servants, ascending from the House of God, the Lord will pour out abundant Blessings and Revival Fire to draw the Harvest to Himself. The union of God with such servants
(This image is a vision the Lord gave regarding Canada recorded in my book Canada’s Divine Mandate. See Below)
The Nation of Canada has been given an Apostolic call to be a builder for the end-time purposes of God. Canada
The Winds of change are now ushering in a season of shock and awe, reflecting the intensifying battle between Light and darkness, as the veil between Heaven and Earth gets thinner. The fear of the Lord will be prevalent in
God has pulled us back from the edge of the abyss of evil! He is saying we are now to build on the foundations He has established in our lives and Ministries over 2024. We are in a season of
While spending time with the Lord I sensed Him saying, “Beware of the quality of foundation that you are building! Will it, or can it carry the weight of the superstructure you are intending to build—your ministry, church, your business?”
“Consider now from this day forward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laid—consider it: Is the seed still in the barn? As yet the vine, the fig
God recently spoke to me from a prophetic word I wrote in my Devotional book: Word to the Warrior. The title of the chapter was Will You Ride:
Will you run with the horses? Will you embrace the Wind of
When Donald Trump won the election In 2016, the words reset and reprieve were being released in many prophetic spheres. Before that election the Lord said to me, the word Reprieve, and revealed that D.J.T. would be the next president of the United States. I checked the
The season of fashioning you is over. I have made of you a new creation. Old things have passed away! Remove the old from your life. Take off the old garment and put on your royal robes. I have fashioned
In the spring of 2023, Apostle Lynn Wambolt suddenly received a command from the Lord. He said to her, “I want a coronation, and I want a crown”. The Lord wanted to be crowned King of Canada and commissioned a crown
Our Ministry will now be launching an initiative based on God’s command to build His House called Yahweh’s House Master Builder’s Academy. While preparing for the Course, I heard the Lord say the words, “Your Mission, should you choose to accept it,” I
Solomon was chosen as the one to build the Father’s House for the Glory of His great Name and is a picture in type of Jesus, the Son of God. Over time, because of sin, disobedience, and idolatry, the people
In Matthew 11:14, Jesus said that if His people were willing to accept it, John the Baptist was Elijah who was to come. He then followed with the statement, “He who has ears to hear let him hear.” Jesus is
When Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to the throne, He laid the groundwork for His disciples and followers to begin to build Yahweh’s House patterned after His Mind, Heart, all His attributes and His Life. In the early Church,
I have been speaking about Canada in a specific way regarding a specific Call that the nation carries. However, this present word is again for the Apostolic generation that prepares the way for Christ.
Canada has a unique destiny in
As I shared in a recent message, God has been preparing A VOICE in Canada for this decade of the voice—a generation that represents the Voice of the Lord in the time of the summing up of all things in
The Holy Spirit is right now brooding over the nation of Canada, and over all His people. He is breathing over them to birth them into the Glory of God. He will breathe His Breath to release His Divine life
Canada is a nation reserved by God for Glory, for a special work in the last days—brought forth, birthed, and established to serve Almighty God for the closing of the ages. Canada’s Call is to give testimony and evidence of the King of
God is now moving a people progressively out of an old dynamic to position them within a new paradigm where they will be anchored in strength, wisdom and understanding, greater faith and greater Glory. His question to us is, “Do
“The sound of noise from the city! A voice from the temple! The voice of the LORD, Who fully repays His enemies!”
A new book in God’s Story is now beginning. Based on Biblical prophecies regarding Israel, I believe it
God is now working to bring His House back from the counterfeit to the authentic, where all Babylonian, systems and influences are being cleansed from His House. It is important that we understand we are an integral part of God’s
“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; The New Moon signified initiated a new
I recently wrote a prophetic message centered on the concept of becoming a Golden Conduit for the Glory of God. Following its publication, I received a divine prompting to delve deeper into this revelation. The Lord impressed upon me the
My triumphant ones were created to become the Golden Pipes—the Conduit from which the golden anointing Oil flows to embrace humanity with My Glory. They are conduits fashioned from the pure gold of My Substance, possessing no dross or mixture. The Gold
A Central factor to God’s Divine work is the principle of separation and consecration. This is a distinct feature of His work designed to conform a people to His image. It is a deliberate process—a narrowing down to the core
The Body of Christ has been on a journey—a transcendent path in God’s work of separating a people to Himself. Central to this Divine work is the principle of separation and consecration, a distinct feature aimed at shaping a people
The message of the significance of Israel is foundational to the end-time structure God is building that He will return to! In these times of the summing up of all things the focus will be foundations and leadership. God intends
In preparation for the coming of the Lord on the Day of the Lord, the Holy Spirit is doing a purging and cleansing work with Fire on churches, peoples, and regions where His Glory will rest. This has been a
I have been teaching and talking for decades about the time of UNTIL —representing the season when the trajectory of the Divine Plan turns once again to Israel for the conclusion and climax of history (Rom. 11:25).
Amid the ongoing complexities surrounding Israel and the Palestinians, a web of misinformation has woven a deceptive narrative throughout the world. In tackling this subject let’s begin with Jesus! Jesus is Jewish! He was born in Israel, fulfilling the word of prophecy.
I heard the Lord say that there is A PERFECT STORM ON THE HORIZON. Storms are erupting on many fronts. 2024 will put a demand on people to rise to a higher stature in character, fortitude, and maturity. God is
God has meticulously fashioned and sculpted His children within the sanctuary of their mother’s womb, divinely ordaining them to serve Him and radiate His glory. Each one bears His image, for He breathed the Ruach breath of His life and
The Lord has been highlighting the understanding that to discern accurately and prophetically, it is important to distinguish between personal and corporate, national and global prophetic perspectives and realities. Many prophetic voices appear to sometimes contradict each other as they
In 2022, a prophecy was given regarding “Fires of Awakening coming to the East Coast of America. The Lord then showed another prophet in Florida, the Angel of Awakening stepping on the shores of Florida, and when he did, a fire ignited and ran up the eastern
“For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.” Galatians 6:15
The Israel of God is the Ark