Many Christians trust, believe and obey the financial principals God has laid out in His Word regarding the giving of tithes and offerings and the consequent promise of His care and provision. Multitudes have proven God’s Word to be true in this respect and have experienced the miraculous in their lives as they live under His providence and care, and they are blessed in abundance as His Word promises.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
However, there are also faithful servants of God who have been obedient to the principles, yet have not seen the promises, some living in lack, having fallen into despair and perplexity. There can be many reasons for this, such as possible generational iniquity, and with prayer and seeking the Lord He will reveal the cause. However, the Lord has shown me that much of the time we are sabotaging our own blessings with the words of our own mouth, and we nullify the potential fruit from what we have sown. These can be words of unbelief birthed from a place of disappointment from not having seen the fruit of our expectations in the past; it can be from an ungodly belief that God will not come through for us even when we do everything right. However, it can also be the reaping effect set in motion from negative, judgmental words spoken over others. These conditions reveal a heart that is in need of cleansing as the Word says, out of the heart the mouth speaks!
When we speak negative words of doubt and fear over our lives, over our finances and other people’s lives, we are working with the enemy at sabotaging our own blessings. The mouth can reap a harvest of unrighteousness, providing demons with the legal right to steal and destroy every good blessing God desires to give us. In the parable of the sower, when the sower sowed his seed the birds of the air devoured it (Luke 8:5-15). When someone sows and the seed falls by the wayside, is trampled upon and demonic birds devour it as it says in Luke 8, it reveals a lack of care and complacency regarding God’s Word, or a prophetic word received—the consequence is fruit easily picked off by the birds. We must guard our hearts and remember that words of fear, doubt and unbelief will always be used by satan to accomplish his ends to negate God’s blessings.
There are natural and spiritual laws and principles set in place by God that govern the universe and our world. God’s spiritual laws are equally as powerful as the natural laws that He established. They govern our lives and are at work whether we are aware of them or not, and whether we understand them or not! These laws are taught in God’s word and with understanding, they open the possibility for the release of the fullness of the blessings of God in our lives.
The Law of Sowing And Reaping
As Christians, we can make the mistake of glossing over the principles written in the Word, to our detriment. Adherence to principles such as Matthew 7:2 and Mark 11: 26, need to be foundational in the Christian walk: “Do not judge or you too will be judged, in the same way that you judge others you will be judged, and with the same measure you use it, it will be measured to you”, “Forgive and you will be forgiven, if you will not forgive, God will not forgive you. ”The root of these precepts can be found in Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that he will also reap!” The whatever covers every aspect of life; whether we sow love, kindness, compassion and our finances, or we sow anger, hatred, unforgiveness and offense—we will reap in kind! This principle works both in the positive and in the negative. Obedience to God’s precepts is extremely important as they are always at work affecting our lives daily—our relationships, our health and financial prosperity!
If God’s law of sowing and reaping is set on course by words and actions, all our good declarations and decrees, all our attempts at faith are being nullified by negative words of fear and unbelief that we speak. These words rob our faith diminishing our expectation! Israel could not enter and possess the Promises of God because of words of fear, murmuring, grumbling and complaining they were speaking out! Only two men of faith, who SPOKE WORDS OF FAITH of that generation were allowed to enter and receive the promise. After spying out the land, they brought back evidence of BIG FRUIT in the Land of Promise! Our words can either be embedded with fear and hopelessness, producing its kind…or spoken in the faith of God, they can be EMBEDDED WITH POWER, and miraculous supernatural ability to perform God’s will for our lives!
In God’s kingdom, health and prosperity are a by product of a life that has worked to lay a good and Godly foundation through obedience to eat, live and declare God’s Word in faith. Such a life will also be able to maintain health and prosperity and not be in a continual cycle of loss and gain!
In the parable of the sower, Jesus said that the seed was the word of God! When we sow our finances based on the Word of God, then in faith continue to water it with the Word of God, IT WILL PRODUCE ABUNDANT FRUIT! God says that His word will accomplish what He sends it to do!
Christ Our Redeemer
THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT CHRIST IS THE REDEEMER! For all who have sown finances over the years and have not seen the fruit, for those who have wasted time in error and disobedience in the Kingdom, God is able to recover our losses! God is able to redeem time and to redeem the harvest that belongs to us from all that we have sown! God remembers our righteous deeds and words and has been holding the Harvest in store for us! He is able to redeem our offerings, buy back our losses and restore our fortunes, because He is God—OUR REDEEMER!
The word redeem means to buy back, to recover by payment something that was pledged. When Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross He nullified everything that was against us, and purchased our lives with His Blood. He signed the note for our debts and marked it PAID IN FULL! In His Power and Might, He is able o recover ALL that belongs to us! Through repentance, He cancels all negative reaping consequences from our words and deeds! Hallelujah!
Deuteronomy 3:1-3 declares that when we return to the Lord’s ways and obey Him with all our hearts—He will restore our fortunes! The word fortunes sometimes translated as captivity, also means a former state of prosperity! Divine appointments will be established where the King will say: “Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now” (2 Kings 8:6). The enemy will be commanded to PAY BACK SEVENFOLD, THOUGH IT COSTS HIM ALL THE WEALTH OF HIS HOUSE (Pro 6:31).
God is about to open the heavens and pour out upon His people showers of blessings to finance and to enforce the Kingdom of God on Earth to gather His Harvest. There is presently a great Harvest stored up and held in reserve, accumulated from all that the Body of Christ has sown in finances, time, acts of kindness and faithfulness into the Kingdom of God over the years! This is about to be released in a great wealth transfer from the Royal Bank of Heaven, calculated with Heaven’s accounting system! I heard the Lord say “COMPOUND INTEREST!” According to Wikipedia, compound interest is the addition of interest to the principal deposit, it is interest upon interest that can produce great wealth in a short time.
Don’t stop giving! Giving in faith, in the will of God is our insurance for the future! Let us pray, repent and humble ourselves before our Wonderful God and get ready for a GREAT DELUGE OF HIS GOODNESS!
“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38