A Central factor to God’s Divine work is the principle of separation and consecration. This is a distinct feature of His work designed to conform a people to His image. It is a deliberate process—a narrowing down to the core of the Divine principle of the Life of Christ.
Because God is holy Consuming Fire, He works to create and fashion a people for Himself to become His reflection, and as a consequence possess the divine qualities to draw close to serve Him and His purposes.
Israel by their very existence, is a prophet nation forever trumpeting the truth that God exists and is Sovereign. Those born again in Christ are grafted into Israel and carries this Call to be the evidence and word of Christ.
Within these called-out people, God has been preparing A VOICE! A Voice that represents the Voice of the Lord for the climax of the ages! A Voice to declare His purposes; to declare His Word; to declare His Will to work with Him to gather everything into Christ and to be heralds of His coming in the climax of the ages.
The backdrop of THE VOICE resounding from the entity that is Christ in union with His Vanguard is gross darkness according to Isaiah 60. Jesus doesn’t like to make it easy on Himself! He likes to showcase His Power as He did with Pharoah! He likes the odds to be stacked against Him, even though they are as nothing before Him. This present-day army has been handpicked by God to wear the garment of His Glory in a notable moment of history characterized by gross darkness.
An army of such voices will be required in the days ahead—voices anointed and resounding like trumpets far above the noise of the multitude of opinions. Voices where it cannot be denied that the Lord has spoken. In an hour of war, God raises leaders anointed for the war; a great example of this is Winston Churchill—called to warn and direct the course of history in his time. We must pray for these voices to arise. The urgency of the hour calls for it!
There have been many victories over the past year and there will continue to be many more wherever people rise to take a stand against evil rulers and legislation. However, the Principality of Mammon in union with the empire spirit is now driving the course of history. Their intent is on our destruction, so the war continues. What is God doing in all of this? Isaiah tells us that God will rise and do His work His awesome work, and bring to pass His unusual act.
“For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim, He will be angry as in the Valley of Gibeon—That He may do His work, His awesome work, And bring to pass His act, His unusual act” Isaiah 28:21
The wisdom of God’s ways will always be unusual and strange to the natural mind and way of thinking, and sometimes difficult to grasp as coming from a good and kind God. This is why He admonishes us to trust Him in the way he chooses to move and work, and the charge to be courageous goes forth.
God is asking us to trust when we don’t understand. He sees what we can never see, he sees the underground roots, hidden from man’s eyes. He sees deep within the heart of man to its core motivations. He sees the turncoat, and the wolf hidden in sheep’s clothing. He sees the covenant with death they have made!
He alone weighs and understands what is needed. He alone knows what must be torn down and destroyed and what needs to be planted and rebuilt. He accounts for the collateral damage because He’s God and can bring forth good from the very worst. And as Savior, He knows how to save! He’s able and omnicompetent—having the authority or legal capacity to act in all matters. Therefore, we must trust him!
It’s arrogance to be offended and angry with God and think that we know better than Him what needs to be done! Nations are now being weighed and prepared for a deep work of preparation for Glory! Canada is such a nation, and we must trust Him in how He chooses to move in this nation.
Word for Canada
Canada is a nation reserved by God for Glory, for a special work in the last days. Canada is the last nation and the last runner in a relay race of Divine consequence, chosen to carry the torch of God’s Glory and hand it back to Israel where it was first released.
However, that honor comes at a very high cost! It costs deeply to carry the weight of the Glory of the Almighty God—a Holy God who calls Himself a Consuming Fire, who is the creator of the universe. It costs to be chosen, as most believers do understand. Israel is a picture of what it means to be chosen by God to be the home of, and the host of His Shekinah Glory. Israel is central to all things. Israel is Central to Canada’s Call. And Israel and Canada together are central to the summing up of all things in Christ!
The work on the heart of the chosen begins with the ground being softened—this is the preparation for work to begin! GOD’S END GAME IS ETERNAL SALVATION, AT WHATEVER COST! The Fire of God will come but it will be a controlled burn that prepares the ground.
Canada will have to contend with the Four Horsemen and the Giants rising in the land. The four horses riding in strength and gaining momentum in the world are masterful deception, war, economic stagnation, and death. Canada is rising as a nation that has embraced the spirit of Death. It has the highest recorded assisted suicide rates in the world and continues to expand its reach into various spheres of the population such as with mental illness.
The giants rising in the earth, that Canada will have to contend with are Islam, Hinduism, the spirit of mammon, and the Empire spirit it has become attached to. The Church of Canada is wavering from its Divine course in the sea of compromise with a satanic agenda. The Lord is set to unearth the demonic hidden caves and tunnels to root out the enemy in this nation—a picture that we see now happening in Israel. Israel is a sign of the work God is doing on a broad scale!
The Angel Armies have come to partner with God’s people to tear down, demolish, unearth, and destroy as God works with His apostolic leadership to plant and rebuild the foundations of righteousness and establish justice according to the Plumb line of Christ.
God will not pass by anymore, as He told Amos, the Plumb line will fall on Canada in 2024! Canada is a Last Day Construction Site where the LORD will build a platform for His Throne of Justice and Righteousness.
I recently did a Seminar on Israel where I saw a picture of a construction site and a layer of concrete being laid in the foundation. We then followed with a Seminar on the Plumb Line on cleansing and deliverance and I saw another layer being laid. I heard the Lord say I am bringing out the heavy Machinery! A bulldozer has an attachment called the Ripper to tear up the hard fallow ground and an Excavator digs deep into the ground. As I was thinking of Canada the Lord brought a picture of the heavy machinery working over Canada and heard the Lord say:
I am bringing out the heavy machinery in 2024 to tear up the fallow ground of Canada’s heart toward Me. I am sending the Ripper to rip through its stony heart. The tears of a nation in repentance waters the ground and softens it to prepare it for excavation. The Excavator will find the hidden places of darkness and the deep tunnels of darkness. Canada will bow the knee to Me. The provinces stand before Me and are being weighed in the balances, do not be found wanting!
I hear the sound of the remnant crying and calling out to Me. Know that I am with you to deliver. I am a rising from My place. Look to Israel. Israel is a sign of the needed work I’m doing in the heart of man; the heart has been broken and softened. Israel’s heavy machinery is rooting out the demonic strongholds and tunnels of gross evil—the Satanic headquarters established in My land. Nothing is hidden from My eyes.
Know that when the enemy has taken up a position in the land of the soul of a nation, it is because you have invited him by your actions and your ways. I’ve said to you to look to the ancient paths where the good way is and you would not! You have been feasting at the table of demons and now you say there is pain in your belly caused by the infection and inflammation in your body. I will cause you to vomit out the foul diseased meat you have been eating. Yes, the land shall vomit out the vileness as you cry out to me, lest the land vomits you out.
I am bringing out my mighty machines in this land. They are my apostolic/prophetic generals who are close to my heart and bold to obey mM will. They will be given insight and directions to lead the nation through this time of deep cleansing. Heed their words and directions. You will know who they are by their brokenness.
They do not come to tickle ears and to make you feel good as you sit and wallow in your sin. They are being sent to rip and to excavate, to tear down and destroy the idols. This is a necessary work if you are to see me come in revival, awakening, and Glory, to plant and to build. Many are charmers looking for glory. Listen for My Voice. Isaiah warned the people who were reveling that it was a time to grieve, for I weep over the nations, and I weep for the children.
I will tear down the old demonic structures and the rotten foundations. A rebuilding work will take place. You have not looked at facing the hard things or becoming a people who can stand under the hard things. You are looking for the easy way out through the voices who are saying what you want to hear. Canada will be facing some hard things in the future. You must learn to find the River of God in this time! I am a very present help in times of trouble, in times of shaking, and the shaking will intensify.
Canada is called to be a people who prepare My Way and I am a Consuming Fire. The nation is heading towards a showdown. David needs to be positioned and in place. Build me an altar! Worship and serve Me at My altar! The altar you build will be established and divinely connected to My Seat in heaven. You are called to serve Me in this time to prepare My way to fulfill My purposes for My approach.
Canada is therefore now being separated for a deep and special work conducted on its heart! As painful as it may be, if the Lord chastens and disciplines—in a time where He is judging sin, His purposes are in view, and it is for the ultimate good of all! Canada is bound up with God in a great Divine purpose to become an apostolic sending nation that carries an end-time Word for the world and all nations. Canada is called to be a testimony, giving evidence of the King of Glory—and is in itself an end-time word to the nations that God Reigns upon His Throne!
Canada is purposed to be the embodiment of something—to embody the Word of God that is being inwrought in them towards a certain end. Canada and the world in its present state are unclean before a Holy God. He bids the nation to yield to His work. The Vanguard of God’s purposes must be governed by the awesome apprehension of the Divine Call and assignment that is the reason for their existence. Canada has obtained an inheritance in Christ and has been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will…Canada is called to His work…
“…in the dispensation of the fullness of the times to gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.” Ephesians 1:10
The Lord gave me this scripture for Canada and in the moment of writing this and I was powerfully moved and shaken! What does this mean? In the months to come, we will be digging into this revelation.
Canada is called to work with God and with angels in the work, to sum up, and gather all things into Christ—to be at the forefront as a Vanguard—the 40,000 that leads the Body into the Promised Land of the King’s rule (Josh 4:13)! It is a High Call to the stewardship of the times to shape it according to the intentions of God—a word that points the way on a forward trajectory.
Canada is called to give testimony and evidence of the King of Glory—to be a word to the nations of the world that our God Reigns in the climax and conclusion of all things! Canada’s destiny is a part of something far bigger, more sublime, and transcendent than has been understood. God chose Canada in Him, before the foundation of the world…for the High Call to represent Him in a crucial time of History.
Canada must Stand in the ways, see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is… and walk in it! God is saying to Canada: Stand still and know that I am God and you will live! Canada has reached a crisis point, we are standing in the ways at an inflection point and God is saying to the nation:
“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword”; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 1:16-20
In separation, when God is given our yes to His will, He enters our world, separates us, sets us apart, and dedicates us towards a desired endeavor and expected end. He snatches us from the sea of humanity, cuts away the security of all our moorings, and thrusts us out into the ocean of the possibility of impossibilities, supported, protected, and anchored to His love. Let the Body of Christ in Canada now say Yes!
In the closing days of this dispensation, God has said He will separate the wheat from the tares. He will separate the sheep from the goats. And as He separated Paul and Barnabas for a worldwide ministry, He is now separating a company of saints who have said yes and surrendered to His process. This demands a communion with the Lord that is Holy and pure, as the mandate cannot and will not be fulfilled otherwise. God could wait for another generation!
Amid the darkness, a core feature of God’s strange and unusual work is that He has determined this to be THE MOST GLORIOUS HOUR FOR HIS PEOPLE! A time when God comes to show forth His Majesty and Glory in a prepared company. He said in Isaiah that as it was in the days when He brought His people out of Egypt, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN—He will release great signs and great wonders. At that time, God hovered over His people like a great eagle and carried them out like a great Father. In this hour, the Eagle and the Lion are within and upon His people. As He performed great signs and wonders at the Exodus, we will again see signs and wonders at this level once again, carried out through a people He has taken possession of! This will be a time when His people prosper amid times of trouble when the presence of God is made evident in those who belong to Him.
The Church has lost the vision, the meaning, and the purpose of its existence, and therefore the ability to serve God in it—to be the evidence and the testimony of God’s existence, Sovereignty, and His Throne in a kairos time. We have allowed a mixture and limitation has therefore come in. Canada has been speaking a compromised word—serving God yet serving the world.
It is time to get back to God’s Vision for Canada—to get back to our purpose—to get back to the representation of His Will as a joint heir with Christ representing the Kingdom—of being a separated people—kings and priests unto God!
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…” 1 Peter 2:9