Canada: Hear the Word of the Lord!
(This image is a vision the Lord gave regarding Canada recorded in my book Canada’s Divine Mandate. See Below)
The Nation of Canada has been given an Apostolic call to be a builder for the end-time purposes of God. Canada has been reserved by God for a special work, as has been declared prophetically. The call is to prepare a dwelling place for the King and to work with Israel to see the blueprint established in Jerusalem. This impacts believer’s of all nations, God’s people of all nations are therefore being called to support this work in prayer and otherwise, as the enemy’s resistance to God’s Plan in Canada is tremendous.
The Canadian embassy must be moved to Jerusalem, and a spiritual ambassadorial team sent to unite with the Apostolic leaders of Israel to initiate the Plan. Together they will establish the work to build a spiritual habitation for the Lord. Apostolic builders given possession of the Blueprint are being released and sent to begin the work. A building era has begun for the people of God.
Canada, Hear the word of the Lord:
Canada, I am sending you a man who will heed My Voice in regard to Israel. I have put My heart for My people, in his heart. He will serve me in this hour of the summation of all things spiritual and eternal in My Son. My Son is the Branch out of Israel that will build My House through a people in union with His Mind and Heart in Canada and the nations of the world.
Hear the word of the Lord My People:
The dynamic of life on Earth is changing, ushering in the new thing that I will be doing in an extraordinary and historic season. Stay close! Follow the ark of My Presence! In My Presence you will have clarity of mind; you will find wisdom, discernment, joy, and direction guiding your steps on the path ahead.
Outside of My Presence there will be great confusion from a multitude of voices, but it will not be My Voice. Knowledge and understanding of My Will and My unfolding Plan is gained only in the secret place of My Presence. My Presence is the Place where the fountainhead of living water is secured, where is the source of all life, the source of agape love, the fresh oil that has power to break the yoke is obtained. It is where the Wine of Divine revelation pours out from My Heart.
The invitation has been given, but many have neglected the gift of this royal invitation. To attempt be in my service or to build with your own reasoning and opinions, is a futile and dangerous endeavour. It is the haughty spirit that I despise that practices lawlessness—those who work outside of knowledge of My ways, of My Will, and outside of My direction.
Will you come into My Pavilion and dine with Me. I have prepared a feast of delights for this special season. You will eat and be filled, empowered with Divine life and energy. You will receive the fortitude to stand and complete your assignment and be victorious. You will ride on the Winds of the Holy Spirit with the Angel armies, to drive back the darkness in a season of light and strength I am creating.
Canada, Hear the word of the Lord:
Canada, I am drawing you to Me, hear My Heart! My great favor will descend upon you in Glory. Your land will be married to Me! I will declare “MARRIED,” over the of nation Canada and you will be great! You are mine. But know this, I am a jealous God… so, I have waited! The time has come to awaken love! Canada you will love Me, you will serve Me, and you will honour My holy name in your land.
I am coming to you Canada—make yourself ready!
The Ark of My Presence is coming in to take its place in your heart! I will use you for a mighty work in these last days! Oh Canada, of you it will be said: God is there!
Yahweh Shammah, the Lord, He is there!