Welcome to FMB Ministries

With over three decades of intimate pursuit of the Lord, this ministry was birthed to reveal the divine Blueprint for the House that God is preparing for Jesus’ return. Our mission is clear: to prepare the way of the Lord by building according to His design. We provide a wealth of revelatory resources to equip pastors, leaders, and believers with the wisdom and tools needed to establish His sanctuary in this pivotal hour. Every resource on this platform is intentionally crafted to help churches align with God’s divine plan for the final chapter of history. We invite you to explore, engage, and take full advantage of these Spirit-led resources as we labor together to prepare for the coming King!

President: Faith Marie Baczko

Our Ministries

Ministries designed and crafted for this pivotal moment in history!


An Intensive Study of the Headstone, specifically the facets of Yahweh's House, the House He designed for His Glory!


Canada has a unique and significant spiritual calling for the last days. This mandate, has been revealed by prophetic voices over centuries.


Messages and discussions on One Voice are intended to equip and inform viewers in regard to their Kingdom assignment in these critical days.


Our Teaching resources are coordinated with our Headstone Series and Online Schools. They are excellent for cell groups and hosting Seminars.

Faith Marie Baczko

Faith Marie’s unwavering commitment is centred on advancing God’s end time Kingdom purposes and nurturing believers towards the realization of their Kingdom destiny and assignment in the work to prepare the way of the Lord! With a vision that transcends the ordinary, Faith seeks to shake the religious mindset and introduce the reality of the greater dimensions of Christ available to all saints. The hour calls for an apostolic leadership to now take their place on the world scene with boldness and courage, deeply rooted in Christ, and ready to make an indelible impact on the world during this appointed and notable Era.

Get Faith’s Latest Book

The Headstone

The Call has been issued—the time to build God’s House is now!

The end-time mandate has been unveiled! This latest book in the Headstone Series is a revelatory guide that illuminates God’s Divine Blueprint for the sanctuary prepared to host the full weight of His Glory. This is not just another book—it is a prophetic summons to rise as a builder in the final days to take our place in establishing a the Holy dwelling God desires.

🔹 Discover the Apostolic Mandate – Understand God’s Heavenly Pattern for His House, designed to accommodate His Presence.

🔹 Break Free from Old Mindsets – Witness the dismantling of religious traditions and carnal thinking that hinder the fullness of Christ’s work.

🔹 Step into the Refiner’s Fire – Anything not rooted in Christ will be consumed and removed, preparing a purified, set-apart people.

🔹 Become Part of the Headstone Generation – Join the apostolic and prophetic volunteers called to serve in the Day of His Power.

This is a must-read for those who hunger for deeper spiritual insight, who sense a higher calling, and are ready to stand as builders of His Kingdom in these last days.

Now is the time to answer the call! Get your copy of The Headstone today and step into your divine assignment!



Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I have witnessed Faith’s ability to release teachings that change not only the atmosphere but the hearts of the leaders as she calls for transformation. Faith has shown herself to be honorable, and steadfast to all God has called her to, demonstrating an ability to rise to any challenge she encounters.
Dr. Felipe Gonzalez
Apostle & Leader of Beraca Church, President of the Hispanic Pastor’s Association Toronto
Faith carries an anointing to hear, discern and bring deep revelation from scripture. She is a proven pioneer who has boldly listened to the direction of God and has built rich teachings from His heart. Faith has a solid teaching gift which is demonstrated through her devotion to God and her heart of humility to serve Him.
Pastor Lillian Brown
CTF Church Toronto: Director of Supernatural Ministries
Faith is a fiery, passionate, dynamic, apostolic, prophetic and revelatory teacher who flows in the new wine. Her sensitivity to Holy Spirit is remarkable and her love for God radiates through her powerful teachings, as she equips the body of Christ to be prepared and ready to do the will of God. I consider it a great honour to know and work with her.
Apostle Carol Mclean
Apostle and Leader of Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries Caledon Ontario
Faith is an anointed Apostolic, Prophetic leader and carries a powerful revelatory teaching gift. She brings foundational and very needed clarity and direction to the process of “growing up in Christ.” I have gleaned much, and have in turn fed many from the life-giving nuggets of truth found in her writings, preparing us for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Renee Grochowski
Aostolic Leader of Father's Heart Ministries & Harvest Church of the keweenaw Michigan
32Years Of Experience
185 prophetic articles
100Inspiring Podcasts

Holy Spirit Divine Connections

OUR Latest Broadcasts


Yahweh's House Master Builder's Course

By joining this Course you are also joining a community being built together by the Lord. Get more information and check out excerpts of the sessions by clicking on the link.

Online Courses

Our Courses target the season of the completing work of God in Christ reffered to in scripture as the Headstone (Zech. 4:7). They are revelatory, and life-transforming! Eyes will be opened to see mighty things of God that may have not been seen or perceived before.

The Trumpet

A Platform offering encouragement, and empowering words to live by. VISIT US ON SUBSTACK